
Protoc plugin that generate a graphql proxy based on grpc services.

Primary LanguageGo

Graphql proxy grpc

The graphql-proxy-grpc is a protoc plugin abd a CLI. It reads protobuf service definitions and generates a reverse-proxy server which translates a Graphql API into gRPC. The graphql server is generated using gqlgen.

There is two binaries, one protoc plugin that generate the graphql schema based on your proto specification and one binary that generate go resolvers based on the previous generated schema.


  • Enum
  • Messages
  • Map
  • Services (rpc method customization for query and mutation)
  • Multi packages
  • Grpc clients customizable
  • Oneof (not planned)
  • Documentation with comment (planned)
  • Ovveride naming (planned)


Using buf


Using protoc



Here are some related projects

gqlgen grpc gateway