
a simple flexslider plugin for wordPress that replaces the gallery shortcode with a clean slideshow

Primary LanguageCSSMIT LicenseMIT


a simple flexslider plugin for wordPress that replaces the gallery shortcode with a clean slideshow

Uses the WooThemes FlexSlider toolkit available here http://www.woothemes.com/flexslider/



  1. download or clone the plugin from github

  2. upload to wordPress

    under your wp-admin page, upload a .zip version via Plugins/Add New/Upload or FTP the entire Flex folder (unzipped) into your wp-content/plugs directory

  3. activate Flex from the dashboard

  4. use the add media/create Gallery menu in your post

  5. publish and reap spoils

make sure your theme template doesn't add unwanted css to the li tag under post-content.