
JavaScript Client for ClusterWS - is a minimal Node JS http & real-time framework which allows to scale WebSocket between Workers in Node JS Cluster and utilize all available CPU.

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT

ClusterWS JavaScript Client

WebSocket & Node JS Cluster


This README, logo and animation will be changed soon, we are currently implementing new GUIDES in wikis and working with new logo and animation


This is official JavaScript client for ClusterWS.

ClusterWS - is a minimal Node JS http & real-time framework which allows to scale WebSocket (uWS - one of the fastest WebSocket libraries) between Workers in Node JS Cluster and utilize all available CPU.

Current minified version is under 6KB.

This library requires ClusterWS on the server


To install ClusterWS Client JS run:

npm install --save clusterws-client-js

or use globally:

  1. Find ClusterWS.(min).js in dist/browser folder.
  2. Use standard script tag to import library <script src="path/to/ClusterWS.[min].js"></script>.
  3. Done, now you can use it as ClusterWS.


1. Connecting

You can connect to the server with the following code:

var cws = new ClusterWS({
    url: 'localhost',
    port: 80

in case if you are using builders like webpack and npm then you need to import library at the top with:

var ClusterWS = require('clusterws-client-js').ClusterWS

All available options of ClusterWS:

    url: '{string} url of the server without http or https. (must be provided)',
    port: '{number} port of the server. (must be provided)',
    autoReconnect: '{boolean} allow to auto-reconnect to the server on lost connection. (default false)',
    reconnectionIntervalMin: '{number} how long min time waut. (default 1000) in ms', 
    reconnectionIntervalMax: '{number} how long max time wait. (default 5000) in ms', 
    reconnectionAttempts: '{number} how many times to try, 0 means without limit. (default 0)'

Auto reconnect count random time between Max and Min interval value this will reduce amount of users which are connection at the same time on reconnection and reduce server load on restart of the server

2. Listen on events

To listen on events from the server you should use on method witch is provided by cws

    event name: string - can be any string you wish
    data: any - is what you send from the client
cws.on('event name', function(data){
    // in here you can write any logic

Also cws gets Reserved Events such as 'connect', 'disconnect' and 'error'

cws.on('connect', function(){
    // in here you can write any logic

    err: any - display the problem with your weboscket
cws.on('error', function(err){
    // in here you can write any logic

    code: number - represent the reason in number
    reason: string - reason why your socket was disconnected
cws.on('disconnect', function(code, reason){
    // in here you can write any logic

3. Send events

To send events to the server use send method witch is provided by cws

    event name: string - can be any string you wish (client must listen on this event name)
    data: any - is what you want to send to the client
cws.send('event name', data)

Avoid emitting Reserved Events such as 'connect', 'connection', 'disconnect' and 'error'. Also avoid emitting event and events with '#' at the start.


You can subscribe, watch, unsubscribe and publish, getChannelByName to/from the channels

    channel name: string - can be any string you wish
var channel = cws.subscribe('channel name')

    data: any - is what you get when you or some one else publish to the channel
 // in here you can write any logic

    data: any - is what you want to publish to the channel (everyone who is subscribe will get it)

    This method is used to unsubscribe from the channel

    Also you can chain everything in one expression
var channel = cws.subscribe('channel name').watch(function(data){
 // in here you can write any logic

    You can get channel by channel name only if you were subscribed before
    You can use any methods as with usual channel
cws.getChannelByName('channel name')

To make sure that user is connected to the server before subscribing, do it on connect event or on any other events which you emit from the server, otherwise subscription may not work properly

See Also

Docs are still under development. If you have found any errors please submit pull request or leave issue

Happy coding !!! 😎