"FreeAct" is a minimal real-time embedded framework (RTEF) based on the FreeRTOS kernel. FreeAct implemetns the Active Object design pattern. It was originally presented by Miro Samek at the Embedded Online Conference 2020
This presentation has been also made available on YouTube in the following playlist:
+-3rd_party/ - third-party software (needed in the examples)
| +-FreeRTOS/ - stripped down FreeRTOS 10.3.1 distribution
| +-efm32pg1b/ - low-level code to support the EFM32PG1B board
| +-ek-tm4c123gxl/ - low-level code to support the EK-TM4C123GX board
| +-blinky-efm32/ - Blinky-Button exammple for the EFM32PG1B board
| +-blinky-tm4c/ - Blinky-Button exammple for the EK-TM4C123GX board
+-inc/ - include directory
| +-FreeAct.h - FreeAct interface
+-src/ - source directory
| +-FreeAct.c - FreeAct implementation
FreeAct is licensed under the MIT open source license, which is the same used in FreeRTOS.
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