Harm Reduction

Build Status

Demo App

About the Project

We are developing a tool for the communities of Chelsea, Revere, Saugus, and Winthrop to improve multi-sector and multi-jurisdictional coordination for outreach, response, and recovery to overdoses. We will do this by improving the efficiency of existing systems, speeding up access to critical data, and aiding in cross-jurisdictional communication, in order to help these four communities save lives.

About our Partner

Our partner in the project is the City of Revere Substance Use Disorder Initiatives (SUDI) office. They are working with three other communities – Chelsea, Saugus and Winthrop – on fulfilling a newly-provided grant to scale up their existing overdose response outreach programs. The project that we create will ultimately take into account the workflows of all four communities and would be shared amongst them to meet all of their needs.

The SUDI office offers support and resources as well as ongoing care in these communities via direct outreach with individuals who have experienced a nonfatal overdose.

Contact Us


Important Links

Welcome Document

Trello Team Invitation - This holds all of our trello boards and will allow you access to the boards below

Trello Sprint Board - This tracks work items

Trello Roadmap Board - This holds our long-term planning info

Google Meet Room

Shared Google Drive Folder

Getting Started

  1. Join us on Slack at #harm-reduction
  2. Join our Trello team
  3. Request access to our Google Drive Folder (instructions here)
  4. Jump into our Google Meet Room and hang out with us!



If you don't have nodejs installed, install it. If you don't know, do node --version in your terminal/command prompt. If you don't get a number, you don't have it.

Git and Github

If you're new to github check out Github Guide, Hello World to make an account and get started with Github and How to: fork a repo to learn how to fork a repo.


  1. Fork the repository: On GitHub, navigate to the repository. In the top-right corner of the page, click Fork.
  2. On GitHub, navigate to your fork of the harm-reduction repository. In the Clone with HTTPs section, click to copy the clone URL for the repository.
  3. Clone your fork: In your terminal type git clone, paste the URL you copied and press enter. In your terminal/command prompt cd (change directory) into the new folder. Inside the directory:
git clone \
cd harm-reduction
  1. Add the harm-reduction repository as a remote to your fork and fetch its branch information:
git remote add upstream \
git fetch upstream
  1. Install dependencies
npm install
  1. (Optional) Enable pre-push Git hooks. This will lint and test your code when you run git push. It is useful to catch errors early, before code review. If you doin't feel comfortable fixing broken tests, you should skip this step. In your .bashrc or .bash_profile, add this line:

Running the App

  • In your terminal/command prompt run npm start to start the app. It will open automatically in a browser window.

  • To stop the local server press ctrl + c in your terminal


To contribute a feature:

  1. Claim a card in the Todo column on Trello
  2. Create a feature branch in your fork. Here we call it MY-FEATURE, but you should name your branch after the feature you're implementing, like participants-table
git checkout master
git checkout -b MY-FEATURE
git push --set-upstream origin MY-FEATURE
  1. Make your changes in your feature branch
  2. Upload your changes to your fork
git push origin MY-FEATURE
  1. Open a pull request to merge your feature branch into codeforboston's master branch. Link to the Trello card in your PR description.
  2. Respond to comments in the pull request conversation
  3. Once all checks pass and someone approves, merge the pull request!


To learn more about keeping your fork up to date view this article. When there is an update, in your terminal inside your local repo:

git checkout master
git pull upstream master

This will update your fork's master branch to match upstream. Then, to update your feature branch, run:

git checkout MY-FEATURE
git merge master

If there is a merge conflict that cannot be resolved automatically, the output from the git pull command will read: "Automatic merge has failed; fix conflicts and then commit the result." For more information, read this article.

REMEMBER: After pulling in updates and resolving any merge conflicts, run the following in terminal, which will install any new dependencies:

npm install



CI/CD Setup

We use Travis for automated testing and deployment.

Tests run on all branches and for pull requests. On master, after tests pass, we deploy the site using Firebase.

The deployment is configured with environment variables set in Travis settings:

  • FIREBASE_PROJECT: The name of the firebase project to deploy to.
  • FIREBASE_TOKEN: The token used to authenticate with Firebase, generated by firebase login:ci. The user that generates the token must have permission to deploy to the firebase project.

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