Maple Lobbying Scraper

Standalone client to scrape lobbyist disclosure pages from and upload them to a postgres database

Local Docker

The docker-compose.yml file configures a postgres database and a python container for the scraper.

Note that the container runs as root and will change the file permissions on the files it writes. You can run sudo chown -R $(id -u):$(id -g) . to reset permissions.

  1. Install docker and docker compose v2.
  2. Build the images with docker compose build
  3. Start the services with docker compose up -d. This will return once they're up.
  4. Open a shell into the python container with docker compose exec lobby bash. This gives you a terminal into the development environment, connected to your source directory. So this will reflect changes you make.
  5. Run your scraper commands poetry run python
  6. Shut down the services: docker compose down. Add -v to also delete the database