
How do you rate a movie? Let's help you out

Cinema Rubric


  • Pacing / Editing / Lack of Boredom
  • Dialogue / Writing
  • Realism???
  • Originality or Impressiveness score
  • Music / Sound
  • Empathy / This made me feel something / I connected with the characters
  • Production Polish - Are there any obvious changes that would enhace this? (May overlap with /Editing/)

Other Possible Variables

  • Gatekeeping score / Level of niche (Is this interesting/engaging to only certain people? Does this matter?)
  • Certainty of opinion (# of recent viewings) Weights the score to prevent over/under-ratings of films
  • Cringe Score - Amount of extraneous cringe (Doesn't contribute to anything, i.e.
  • Becomes better on repeat viewings or