This library provides a typescript implementation of the dag-jose codec for ipld.
It supports the new multiformats library in order to be compatible with both the current and future js-ipfs implementations.
In addition to support for encoding and decoding dag-jose ipld format, this library also provides utility functions for creating and verifying JWS and in the future encrypting and decrypting JWE.
First setup the codec:
import dagJose from 'dag-jose'
import multiformats from 'multiformats/basics.js'
import legacy from 'multiformats/legacy.js'
import Ipfs from 'ipfs'
const format = legacy(multiformats,
const ipfs = await Ipfs.create({ ipld: { formats: [format] } })
// sign object
const payload = new CID('bagcqcera73rupyla6bauseyk75rslfys3st25spm75ykhvgusqvv2zfqtucq')
const privkey = // hex private key
signer = new EllipticSigner(privkey)
// put in dag
const dagJws = await dagJose.signing.create(payload, signer)
const cid = await ipfs.dag.put(dagJws, { format: format.codec, hashAlg: 'sha2-256' })
// retreive object
const obj = await ipfs.dat.get(cid)
import {
} from 'did-jwt'
import { generateKeyPairFromSeed } from '@stablelib/x25519'
const cleartext = new CID('bagcqcera73rupyla6bauseyk75rslfys3st25spm75ykhvgusqvv2zfqtucq')
Symmetric encryption:
const key = // 32 byte Uint8Array
const dirEncrypter = xc20pDirEncrypter(key)
const dirDecrypter = xc20pDirDecrypter(key)
// encrypt and put into ipfs
const dagJwe = await dagJose.createDagJWE(cleartext, dirEncrypter)
const cid = await ipfs.dag.put(dagJwe, { format: format.codec, hashAlg: 'sha2-256' })
// retreive and decrypt object
const retrived = await ipfs.dag.get(cid)
const decryptedData = await dagJose.decryptDagJWE(retrived, [dirDecrypter])
Asymmetric encryption:
const secretKey = // 32 byte Uint8Array
const asymEncrypter = x25519Encrypter(generateKeyPairFromSeed(secretKey))
const asymDecrypter = x25519Decrypter(secretKey)
// encrypt and put into ipfs
const dagJwe = await dagJose.createDagJWE(cleartext, asymEncrypter)
const cid = await ipfs.dag.put(dagJwe, { format: format.codec, hashAlg: 'sha2-256' })
// retreive and decrypt object
const retrived = await ipfs.dag.get(cid)
const decryptedData = await dagJose.decryptDagJWE(retrived, [asymDecrypter])
The underlaying did-jwt
library that this package uses only supports x25519
key exchange and XChacha20Poly1305
. If you want to use the dag-jose
codec with other algorithms you can encrypt using an external library and put the resulting JWE into the dag. Below is an example using the jose library.
const jwk = jose.JWK.generateSync('oct', 256)
const cleartext = Buffer.from((new CID('bagcqcera73rupyla6bauseyk75rslfys3st25spm75ykhvgusqvv2zfqtucq')).bytes)
// encrypt and put into ipfs
const jwe = jose.JWE.encrypt.flattened(cleartext, jwk, { alg: 'dir', enc: 'A128CBC-HS256' })
const cid = await ipfs.dag.put(dagJwe, { format: format.codec, hashAlg: 'sha2-256' })
// retreive and decrypt object
const retrived = await ipfs.dag.get(cid)
const decryptedData = jose.JWE.decrypt(retrived, jwk)