
Show dialog box in Verza.io

Primary LanguageTypeScript


Shows the player a dialog box.


Dialog Style Msgbox

Style Preview
Msgbox Msgbox Preview
Input Input Preview
Password Input Preview


Client Example

import { EngineProvider } from "@verza/sdk/react";
import { initReactEngine } from "@verza/sdk/react/client";
import DialogInterface from "../verza-dialogs/client"; // Load dialog interface!

export default async function script(id: string) {
  const [render] = await initReactEngine({
    webServer: new URL(import.meta.url).origin + '/server/script'
      <DialogInterface />

Server Example

  • Load the server dialogs function.
import initDialogManager from "../verza-dialogs/server";
import { EDialogStyle } from "../verza-dialogs/types";
  • Initialize the dialog manager and register the callback.
const dialogManager = initDialogManager(engine);
dialogManager.onDialogResponse((player, { dialogId, response, inputText }) => {
  - player = Verza/PlayerManager
  - dialogId = The identifier of the displayed dialog.
  - response = 1 for left button and 0 for right button (if only one button shown, always 1).
  - inputText = The text entered into the input box by the player.
  • Show dialog to player.
dialogManager.showPlayerDialog(player, {
  dialogId: 'dialog-1',
  caption: "Hello world",
  text: "Welcome to my server, this is a test dialog.",
  style: EDialogStyle.Msgbox,
  button1: "Thanks"