A fully functional Search Engine to index and peruse past supreme court cases
Case Files Download: https://www.courtlistener.com/api/bulk-data/opinions/scotus.tar.gz
Thunderbolt Features:
- User Command System
- Ability to index entire directories or individual files (user command)
- Debug information and statistics about index size and most common words
- Clearing index
- Saving and loading index to/from disk cache file
- Robust user search system
- Index comprised of stemmed words with pre-compiled stop words left out of index
- User queries stemmed and stopped to match index
- Supports multi-word queries
- Supports multi-keyword or multi-phrase searches with AND/OR/NOT operations to join the different result sets
- Built-in autocorrect system to suggest spelling corrections based on indexed words and phrases
- In-memory storage of index and file contents for instant (< 1 ms) query response
- High configurability
- Able to store index in a Hash Table or AVL Tree based on user selection
- Able to convert Hash Table data to AVL Tree data (and vice versa)
- Able to search and index other files outside of the supreme court corpus as long as the JSON formatting is followed