
A curated list of awesome programmers and software projects you can support!


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A curated list of awesome programmers and software projects you can support!

Help individual programmers or open source projects funding the development of your favorite software sponsoring them via Github, subscribing to their Patreon accounts or using other forms of sponsorship.

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Open Source Projects

Projects released with an open source license.

  • Akira, #2 - Linux application for UI and UX design.
  • Albert launcher - Keyboard launcher written in C++/Qt.
  • bcachefs - Linux filesystem.
  • Blender - 3D creation suite
  • Bottles - Easily manage and run Windows apps on Linux.
  • Calibre - E-books manager.
  • Compiler Explorer - Online decompiler and compiler explorer.
  • Deluge - BitTorrent client.
  • DokuWiki - Wiki application.
  • Duplicati - Backup client.
  • F-Droid, #2, #3 - An installable catalogue of FOSS applications for the Android platform.
  • Firezone - Self-hosted VPN server using WireGuard.
  • FreeCAD - Parametric 3D modeler made primarily to design real-life objects of any size.
  • Godot Engine - Complete 3D engine.
  • HaxeFlixel - Cross-platform 2D game engine.
  • Homebrew - Package manager for macOS.
  • iTerm2 - macOS terminal replacement.
  • JabRef - Software for bibliography management
  • JHipster - Open Source application platform for creating Spring Boot + Angular/React/Vue projects in seconds.
  • Kismet, #2 - Kismet wireless tool.
  • Laigter - Automatic normal/specular/occlussion/parallax map generator for 2D game sprites.
  • LogSeq - Knowledge management
  • Memcode - Platform for flashcards
  • MuseScore - Music notation software.
  • NativeScript-Vue - Native mobile applications with NativeScript and Vue.
  • Neovim - Vim-fork focused on extensibility and usability.
  • NewPipe - FLOSS video player on Android for services like YouTube, Soundcloud etc.
  • Olive - High quality video editing and compositing software.
  • Open Broadcaster Software, #2 - Video recording and live streaming software.
  • Open Chemistry - Umbrella of multiple open source chemistry projects including Avogadro, cclib, DeepChem, MSDK, Open Babel, RDKit, and 3DMol.js.
  • Open Source BIM Collective - Tools for building information modeling.
  • openage - Real time strategy game engine.
  • OpenFAAS - Serverless platform.
  • OpenShot - Video editor.
  • OptiKey, #2 - Full computer control and speech with your eyes.
  • Paperwork - Personal document manager.
  • Perkeep - Personal storage system.
  • PHPStan - PHP static analyzer.
  • PHPUnit - PHPUnit and related projects.
  • Pixelorama - A free & open-source 2D sprite editor, made with the Godot Engine.
  • PlantUML - UML diagram creation software.
  • Project Lombok - Java editor plugin.
  • Remmina - Remote desktop client.
  • ShareX Team - Screen capture and screen sharing tool.
  • Sonic Pi - Code-based music creation and performance tool.
  • SysV init - System V init implementation.
  • Termux - Android terminal emulator.
  • Thirty Bees - Ecommerce software.
  • Tiled, #2, #3 - A 2D game level editor.
  • Transmission - BitTorrent client.
  • V Programming Language - Statically typed compiled programming language similar to Go, influenced by Oberon, Rust, Swift.
  • VideoLAN - Maker of the VLC video player.
  • Vim-Go - Go plugin for VIM.
  • Weblate - Localization tool with tight version control integration.
  • Webpack - JavaScript module bundler.
  • Wiki.js, #2, #3 - Wiki platform built with Node.js.
  • WireGuard, #2 - Next generation secure network tunnel.
  • Xfce #2 - Desktop environment for UNIX-like operating systems.
  • Zig #2 - System programming language which prioritizes robustness, optimality, and clarity.
  • Zrythm - A highly automated and intuitive digital audio workstation.
  • Kitbashery - 3D kitbashing solution & CC0 model library.

Messaging and social media

  • BookWyrm, #2 - Social reading and reviewing, decentralized with ActivityPub.
  • Dekko Project - Ubuntu email client.
  • Flarum - Forum platform.
  • Funkwhale - A free, federated and social music server.
  • The Lounge - Modern web IRC client.
  • Mastodon, #2 - Federated social network server.
  • Matrix, #2 - An open network for secure, decentralized communication.
  • MissKey - Federated microblogging platform.
  • Nitter, #2, #3 - Free and open source Twitter client focused on privacy.
  • PixelFed, #2, #3, #4 - Federated image sharing powered by the ActivityPub protocol.
  • postActiv - Microblogging platform.
  • Reddit Enhancement Suite - Reddit browser extension.
  • Retrospring, #2, #3 - A social network following the Q/A (question and answer) principle.
  • Secure Scuttlebutt - A distributed and secure peer-to-peer protocol and social network.


Libraries and frameworks.

  • ApexCharts - JavaScript charts library.
  • Asset-Importer-Lib - Loads 40+ 3D file formats into one unified and clean data structure for game-developers.
  • Babel - JavaScript compiler.
  • Dear ImGui - Immediate Mode Graphical User interface for C++.
  • Hapi.js - Node.js framework.
  • HaxeUI - User interface toolkit.
  • Iced, #2 - A cross-platform GUI library for Rust, inspired by Elm.
  • Laravel - PHP framework.
  • LibGDX - Game development framework.
  • MicroG, #2 - A free-as-in-freedom re-implementation of Google's proprietary Android user space apps and libraries.
  • Moleculer - Progressive microservices framework for Node.js.
  • Musl libc - The Musl libc project.
  • OpenFL - Cross-platform application framework.
  • Phalcon - Web framework delivered as a C extension for PHP.
  • stdlib - Standard library for JavaScript and Node.js with an emphasis on scientific computing.
  • Tabulator - JavaScript library for building interactive tables.
  • Vapor, #2 - Server-side Swift framework.
  • Vue.js - Vue.js.
  • Yii framework - PHP framework.
  • Zappa - A server-less Python framework.

Operating Systems

Operating Systems and Linux distributions.


Games and game-related projects.

Open Source Art

Developers creating art projects and contributing to art-related open source tools and libraries.

  • Alexandre Prokoudine, #2 - GIMP contributor, editor of Libre Graphics World online magazine.
  • Andrea Ferrero - Developer of PhotoFlow image editor, maintains various Appimage packages.
  • Duduf - Tools for animations and motion pictures production.
  • GIMP - GNU Image Manipulation Program.
  • Inochi2D - Opensource editor and libraries for realtime 2D puppet animation and rendering, e.g. VTubers.
  • Marc Jeanmougin - Inkscape contributor.
  • Morevna Project - Various contributions to open source animation tools and animated shorts sources released under CC.
  • MyPaint - Painting and drawing program that works nicely with pressure-sensitive tablets, and its dynamic brush engine library.
  • Øyvind Kolås, #2 - Lead developer of babl & GEGL libraries used in the graphics editor GIMP.
  • Pablo Dobarro - Sculpting improvements for Blender.
  • Synfig, #2 - 2D animation software.
  • Tavmjong Bah - Working on Inkscape vector graphics editor.
  • ZeMarmot, #2, #3 - 2D animation film project to be released under CC. GIMP contributions from Jehan Pagès, art and direction by Aryeom Han.

Hardware related

Hardware-related projects and makers.

People Doing Open Source Work

Developers contributing to multiple projects that ask to support their work.

Other kinds of content

Articles, videos, podcasts, etc…

Articles and Tutorials




Please take a quick look at the contribution guidelines first. Thanks to all contributors; you rock!


This list adopts a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 license.