A simple and highly customizable popover react higher order component with no other dependencies! Typescript friendly.
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Popover within <dialog>
#201 opened by sevDaniel - 4
Module `react/jsx-runtime` not found
#147 opened by nuthinking - 3
React 18 with Next.js breaks tiny-popover
#199 opened by 60pfennig - 3
Input keyboard events don't work at Popover
#129 opened by AndriiShupik - 0
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`onClickOutside` isn't fired when clicking react-native buttons (Button, Pressable, etc).
#137 opened by kirbyfu - 2
DOMRect is not defined
#198 opened by marcelo-mason - 0
Not work in a shadow root
#196 opened by 6174 - 0
Support RTL alignment
#195 opened by RotemCarmon - 1
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Wrong location for left/right positions when some parent has position:absolute
#155 opened by gdenisov - 3
Is there a way to position the popover with left and top instead of using translate ?
#145 opened by jeffersonswartz - 0
request for onScrollOutside
#185 opened by bipul-toddleapp - 1
Callback for when position changes
#179 opened by KorySchneider - 1
Reposition doesn't work with the latest version
#165 opened by w3fullstack - 3
Popover appears at top left of the screen
#177 opened by Vaasu-Dhand - 12
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parentElement doesn't work
#159 opened by alexzhou-chata - 1
Breaking change from 7.0.1 -> 7.1.0 - Nested Popovers and onClickOutside boundary calculation
#173 opened by dajaffe - 1
Problem with rollup: 'syntheticNamedExports: "__moduleExports"' needs an explicit export named "__moduleExports" that does not reexport an unresolved named export of the same module.
#166 opened by TimSC - 3
Why not add the `target` property?
#135 opened by hosembafer - 1
content ({ popoverReact }) scroll calc issue
#84 opened by dexterns88 - 9
Cannot read property 'getBoundingClientRect' of null
#100 opened by Valerika - 1
Have 1 popver for multiple divs
#142 opened by cubecleveland - 2
Could the Popover be controlled by a click event?
#149 opened by baba43 - 0
Failed to parse source map
#121 opened by a-kon - 1
`onClickOutside` triggered for unmounted elements
#138 opened by xPapla - 1
Question: is this library still maintained?
#163 opened by felpsio - 2
`Outsideclick` is not working
#139 opened by amitsingh-quotient - 0
Wrong children position when containerStyle
#146 opened by decimoseptimo - 0
Is there any way that popover automatically takes positions without declaring?
#144 opened by bhavin295 - 0
iOS Safari positioning with Virtual Keyboard
#143 opened by levizimmerman - 2
Is there a way to animate popovers?
#141 opened by JonCognioDigital - 2
Example of containerParent
#104 opened by eox2 - 14
SSR support?
#118 opened by alexstrat - 1
The `containerStyle` prop value gets lost after first interaction with the component
#132 opened by vdmrox-dev - 4
Close popover when new popover opens
#109 opened by SirKadogan - 1
Peer dependency update to react 17
#103 opened by Place1 - 1
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Warning: React.createElement: type is invalid -- expected a string (for built-in components) when importing Popover
#83 opened by koolamusic - 0
Unexpected arrow behaviour on page zoom
#101 opened by ayushjainrksh - 1
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ArrowContainer don`t get arrowStyle
#97 opened by tzaban - 0
ArrowContainer: docs incorrect for `targetRect`/`childRect`; `arrowSize` seems required
#96 opened by colepeters - 4
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Popover position not respected in version 6
#89 opened by colepeters - 3
Simple example code not working - "Element type is invalid: expected a string (for built-in components) or a class/function..."
#85 opened by jameschetwood - 1
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childRef.current is undefined during unmount
#90 opened by shrugs