Basic types
Go's basic types are
int int8 int16 int32 int64 uint uint8 uint16 uint32 uint64 uintptr
byte // alias for uint8
rune // alias for int32 // represents a Unicode code point
float32 float64
complex64 complex128
The int, uint, and uintptr types are usually 32 bits wide on 32-bit systems and 64 bits wide on 64-bit systems. When you need an integer value you should use int unless you have a specific reason to use a sized or unsigned integer type.
Zero values
Variables declared without an explicit initial value are given their zero value.
The zero value is:
0 for numeric types, false for the boolean type, and "" (the empty string) for strings.
Type conversions
i := 42
f := float64(i) // type converted to float64
If with a short statement
Like for, the if statement can start with a short statement to execute before the condition.
Variables declared by the statement are only in scope until the end of the if.