🔥 Csv Loader App

The api for csv loader (uploading csv to save to db and filters to search file data in db)


  • go >= 1.16
  • docker >= 19

Build and run

  1. Create .env file in project folder and set variables like in .default.env (DB_PASSWORD, POSTGRES_PASSWORD, DATABASE_URL)
  2. Build project

make build

  1. If you are running for the first time:

make migrate

  1. Run Project

make run

Api Description

Api is described in swagger docs by url



To run test use:

make test


To up migrations use:

make migrate

To dawn:

make migrate-down

Goals for future:

  • Increase test covering to 80-100%
  • Optimize project structure
  • Create saving status link for user.
  • Optimize speed of saving the data in db

Author: Anton Nebozhynskyi