
Playing around with socket.io

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Pointing Poker

Relatively simple planning/pointing poker app using socket.io


On a running instance, navigate to /room/{whateverName}/ to join room whateverName.


  1. Build dist folder with one of these commands:

    • npm run build for production
    • npm run build-dev for development
    • npm run watch-dev for dev watch-build
  2. Start server with one of these commands:

    • npm run serve for production
    • npm run serve-dev for development
      • Prepend command with ENV_VAR assignments for more debugging, e.g. DEBUG=socket.io:socket* npm run serve-dev to get socket.io logs. Checkout Socket.io docs for more "DEBUG" env var options.
  3. It will now be served from your IP/server

Next Steps & Roadmap

Anyone is welcome to contribute or make PRs!

  • Play around more with code-splitting approaches, try out Suspense and React.lazy. Done, works nicely, need to analyze+optimize bundle sizes more though.
  • Allow to scale up to multiple servers.
    • Could figure out which "SocketIO Adapter" to use (provides PubSub messaging between SocketIO servers for horizontal scaling).
    • And then build out data model for same database for storing RoomStates.
    • Can then start to consider (optional) authentication (login via OpenID Connect Provider?), mostly for fun and optional extra features like storing votes of past Pointing Games.
  • More themes! If have any ideas for themes/colors, please suggest them or make a PR even (and then I'll review/touch-up/merge). Also any ideas for organizing themes and SCSS in general is very welcome as I haven't done much in that regard.
  • If people become interested in working on this or app becomes popular/needing-high-uptime -
    • Better developer experience (add hot module reloading)
    • E2E testing with Cypress or Playwright
  • If want to support this tool more as a self-deployable 'on-prem' option, need to add support for config files (YAML?) and parameterize many things.


Has yet to be decided. All rights reserved by author. Will probably ultimately be MIT.