
Upcoming fixtures for each team in the EPL

The UnlicenseUnlicense


Upcoming fixtures for each team in the Premier League, a helper for Fantasy Football.

How it works

It's a Python script that uses the premier league website to show the upcoming fixtures for all teams in the Premier League


Python, and it's reliant upon (amongst other modules) BeautifulSoup (version 4) to parse the HTML. If you see the following error:

ImportError: No module named BeautifulSoup

… then try installing BeautifulSoup:

$ easy_install BeautifulSoup

(That's obviously the thing to do for the other modules as well, should they be missing)


$ mkdir -p ~/bin
$ curl -skL https://raw.github.com/howlingmad/ff-upcoming/master/upcoming >~/bin/upcoming
$ chmod +x ~/bin/upcoming

Make sure ~/bin is in your $PATH - or put the upcoming script somewhere else on your $PATH.


$ upcoming

This will show the next 3 results for each current team in the EPL

$ upcoming 4

This will show the next 4 results for each current team in the EPL. You can show a maximum of 6 results

$ upcoming 5 -j

Adding the -j option outputs the results as json in data.json


the output of upcoming

The number after each fixture shows the current league position, to guage difficulty. the number in brackets is last seasons finishing position (useful if the season has not started).


Alex Kilgour : http://kil.gr