
Good and Cheap by Leanne Brown – in JSON, YAML, etc.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Good and Cheap by Leanne Brown in YAML & JSON

This repository contains machine readable versions of Good and Cheap: Eat Well on $4/Day by Leanne Brown. This project is possible because she released the book under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercialShareAlike license. Please support openly licensed works and check out her site, or consider buying a print copy!


This data is a work in progress, not all recipes have been added yet, and since they were converted by hand from the PDF, there may be some typos, inaccuracies, format inconsistencies, etc.

Issues and pull requests are welcome!


  • Data
    • YAML
    • JSON
  • Images
    • Full Size


Data is available in YAML or JSON, and recipes use the following format specification.


Title of the recipe.


Information about the recipe that would not be considered instructions.


Lists ingredients for the recipe. May be an array, or a hash listing different ingredient groups.

		- ketchup

		- mustard

		- relish


Instructions on how to make the recipe.


Allows you to specify a category for the recipe.


If the source of the recipe is a book, this allows you to specify the page.


An estimate for the cost to make the recipe. Does not include $, has two decimal places, and the three letter currency abbreviation.

estimate: 2.50 USD


The number of people you can expect to serve with this recipe. This may be a range by using a dash.

serves: 2-4


The number of items that this recipe makes. This may be a range by using a dash. May include a unit (such as cups), but if it makes a number of items, the item should not be used as a unit (for a taco recipe, it makes 4-8 instead of 4-8 tacos)

makes: 4-8 cups

ways (optional)

Allows variations to the ingredients, instructions, or any other property to be listed.

	with pepper:
		estimate: 1.00
				- pepper

		instructions: At the end, add the pepper.

For fields that contain lists (such as ingredients and instructions), the base list will be added to. Fields that contain values (such as estimate or page) replace the base value.


All data entry takes place in the /recipes/source folder as YAML. The rest of the formats are generated using rake (please use 10.4+), so in order to change them, you need to edit the data in the source YAML, then run rake to regenerate.

I've included a Javascript reference client to help in checking the data, and developing the format. You can view it using rake serve.


Good and Cheap: Eat Well on $4/Day by Leanne Brown

Source file is available here [PDF].

Source License (from cover page)

Text, recipes, and most photographs and design by Leanne Brown, in fulfillment of a final project for a master’s degree in Food Studies at New York University.

This book is distributed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercialShareAlike 4.0 license. For more information, visit www.creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0

You may freely distribute this book electronically. To download a free PDF or buy a print copy, visit www.leannebrown.com

The original material has been modified to a machine readable format, along with other changes. The results are share-alike'd under Creative Commons Attribution NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0.

The code (i.e. not recipes, recipe images) in this repository that is used to process recipes, etc., is released into the public domain via the unlicense. The CommonMark parser is BSD3.