
Command-line tools for developing with helix

Primary LanguageJavaScriptApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Helix Command Line Interface (hlx)


codecov CircleCI GitHub license GitHub issues Greenkeeper badge LGTM Code Quality Grade: JavaScript

The Helix Command Line Interface allows web developers to create, develop, and deploy digital experiences using Project Helix


Install hlx as a global command. You need Node 8 or newer.

$ npm install -g @adobe/helix-cli

Alternatively, you can install the latest binary version of hlx (not requiring Node) via curl :

$ curl -sL http://www.project-helix.io/cli.sh | sh

Quick Start

$ hlx --help
hlx <command>

  hlx demo <name> [dir]  Create example helix project.
  hlx up [files...]      Run a Helix development server
  hlx build [files..]    Compile the template functions and build package
  hlx deploy             Deploy packaged functions to Adobe I/O runtime
  hlx perf               Test performance
  hlx publish            Activate strains in the Fastly CDN and publish the site
                                                               [aliases: strain]

  --version  Show version number                                       [boolean]
  --help     Show help                                                 [boolean]

for more information, find our manual at https://github.com/adobe/helix-cli

Setting up a project

$ hlx demo <my-cool-project>

Starting development

$ cd <my-cool-project>
$ hlx up

Just change contents in your project directory and reload http://localhost:3000 to see the results.

(Optional) Build artifacts

# In <my-cool-project>
$ hlx build

(Optional) Test functions

# In <my-cool-project>
$ hlx test

(Optional) Deploy to Adobe I/O Runtime

Automatic Deployment

By default, Helix will set up automated deployment that deploys whenever a new commit has been pushed to your GitHub code repository. In order to do so, you need a CircleCI account and generate a personal API Token.

# In <my-cool-project>
$ hlx deploy \
  --circleci-auth <personal-api-token> \
  --wsk-namespace <your-namespace> \
  --wsk-auth <your-key> \
  --fastly-auth <key> \
  --fastly-namespace <serviceid>

As always, you can keep all parameters in HLX_CIRCLECI_AUTH, HLX_WSK_AUTH, and HLX_FASTLY_AUTH environment variables if you don't want them in your .bash_history.

One-Shot Deployment

Alternatively, you can also perfom a one-shot deployment like this:

# In <my-cool-project>
$ hlx deploy --wsk-namespace <your-namespace> --wsk-auth <your-key>
[==================================================]  0.0s
✅  deployment completed

Instead of passing --wsk-auth as a command line option, you can also set the HLX_WSK_AUTH environment variable.

(Optional) Publish your Site

# In <my-cool-project>
$ hlx publish --fastly-auth <key> --fastly-namespace <serviceid>
Publishing [========================================----------]  4.1s
✅  All strains have been published and version 89 is now online.

Passing Request Parameters

Every request parameter is a potential cache-buster and given that modern web application practices liberally append request parameters for tracking purposes or to manage state for client-side applications, Helix filters out all request parameters by default.

This means, the client side of your application will still be able to access request parameters, but your server(less)-side scripts and templates will not see any parameters.

If you need to pass request parameters, you can whitelist the parameters you need using the strain.params configuration. The value of params is an array of whitelisted parameter names.

    code: /hlx/default/git-github-com-adobe-helix-cli-git--dirty--
      - foo
      - bar
      repo: helix-cli
      ref: master
      owner: adobe

In the example above, the parameters foo and bar have been enabled. A request made to https://www.example.com/index.html?foo=here&bar=there&baz=everywhere will enable your application to read the foo and bar parameters. The baz parameter and all other parameters will be filtered out.

Every allowed parameter value will affect the caching of your site in the CDN.

Helix-Internal Request Parameters

All request parameters starting with hlx_ will be passed through to the action, so that they can be used for Helix-internal purposes.

Directory Index

The default behavior for directory indexes is to load index.html when requesting a path ending with /, so that /foo/bar/ becomes /foo/bar/index.html. This setting can be overwritten in helix-config.yaml by adding an index property:

    code: /hlx/default/git-github-com-adobe-helix-cli-git--dirty--
    directoryIndex: README.html
      repo: helix-cli
      ref: master
      owner: adobe

alternatively you can also the it as default, in the root section of the config. eg:

# defines the directory index file
directoryIndex: readme.html

Static Content Handling

Static content is delivered from the code repository below the defined staticRoot. The default is /, so any file in the code repository can be delivered. For better separation of content and security, it is advisable to create a distinct webroot or docroot (see below)

Static content is served from the code repository of the Helix project. By default, whatever remote origin repository is set at the time of running hlx publish is used, but this can be overridden in the configuration file:

      repo: reactor-user-docs
      ref: master
      owner: Adobe-Marketing-Cloud

The same core configuration options (repo, ref, root, and owner) are supported for static as for content.

Keeping Your Repository Clean

Although you can just put static content, e.g. an index.html loader for your SPA into the root of your repository, this tends to litter the repository with many small files. To keep things clean, create for example a directory docroot in the repository and move your static files there. Then the staticRoot can be set in the root of the config:

# defines the default static root relative to the static repository
staticRoot: /docroot

or individually using the path property in the static definition of a strain:

      repo: reactor-user-docs
      ref: master
      owner: Adobe-Marketing-Cloud
      path: /docroot

After your next deployment with hlx publish, all static content will be served out of the directory docroot. None of this will be visible in the URL, so that no visitor will ever see docroot in the URL. https://example.com/favico.ico would be served from $REPO/docroot/favico.ico.

Securing Static Content

Because the code repository may contain sensitive information, static content is protected using a hard-coded blacklist. This blacklist includes package.json, src, and every hidden file or directory (starting with .).

In helix-config.yaml, additional white- and blacklists may be specified using the allow and deny properties underneath static. Each allow or deny is a list of glob expressions such as "*.js". YAML requires you to put quotes around the glob expression.

Examples of a whitelist and blacklist configuration may look like this:

      repo: reactor-user-docs
      ref: master
      owner: Adobe-Marketing-Cloud
        - "/dist/*"
        - "/static/*"
        - "*.htl"

If a blacklist is specified, every path matching any of the patterns in the blacklist will be rejected. If a whitelist is specified, only paths matching patterns on the whitelist will be accepted.

A blacklist can block items that have been allowed by the whitelist, but not vice versa.

Matching Strains to URLs

You can define a url for each strain. This property will make sure that only requests made to this base URL will be mapped to the following URL, enabling patterns like having a production instance on www.* and a development instance on dev.*.

An example configuration could look like this:

    code: /trieloff/default/https---github-com-adobe-helix-helpx-git--master--
    url: https://www.primordialsoup.life
      repo: reactor-user-docs
      ref: master
      owner: Adobe-Marketing-Cloud

    url: https://dev.primordialsoup.life/develop/
    code: /trieloff/default/https---github-com-adobe-helix-helpx-git--develop--
      repo: reactor-user-docs
      ref: master
      owner: Adobe-Marketing-Cloud

Mixing old and new Content

Helix can run old and new versions of the same site side by side, and even intermixed. This allows you to gradually upgrade to using Helix.

If you want to serve content from another origin server, just add the property origin to any strain. code, content, directoryIndex, and most other properties will then be ignored, as all content for that strain will be retrieved from the URL specified in origin.

You are still able to set strain conditions or assign traffic to a strain based on the url property.

    code: /trieloff/default/git-github-com-trieloff-helix-demo-git--dirty--
    content: https://github.com/trieloff/helix-demo.git
    static: https://github.com/trieloff/helix-demo.git
    origin: https://www.adobe.io
    url: https://www.primordialsoup.life/content/
    origin: https://www.adobe.io
    condition: req.http.host == "proxy.primordialsoup.life"

In the example above, there are three strains: default serves content from www.primordialsoup.life using Helix. But all URLs that start with https://www.primordialsoup.life/content/ will be served from www.adobe.io. This means an image that is referenced as /content/example.png will be served from the Adobe I/O website.

Finally, on proxy.primordialsoup.life, all content of the old site is being served. This allows you to easily switch back to an old configuration.

(Recommended) Performance Testing

You can (and should) test the performance of your deployed site by running hlx perf.

The default test will test the entry page of every strain (using the url) property, if defined. Additional known URLs can be configured for each strain using the key urls (expects an array of URLs).

The default test will run from a mid-range mobile phone (Motorola Moto G4), using a regular 3G connection from London, UK. It makes sure that the Lighthouse Accessibility Score and the Lighthouse Performance Score of your site is at least 80.

You can set custom performance budgets and change the performance condition for each strain using the perf property. If a strain has no perf measurement configured, the perf configuration of the default strain will be used.

An example performance configuration might look like this:

    code: /trieloff/default/https---github-com-adobe-helix-helpx-git--master--
    directoryIndex: README.html
        - "*.md"
    url: https://www.primordialsoup.life
      - https://www.primordialsoup.life/README.html
      device: iPhone8
      connection: good3G
      location: Sydney
      visually_complete_85: 1500
      lighthouse-best-practices-score: 80

If the site does not meet all performance criteria you have defined, hlx perf will exit with a non-null exit code (the exit code equals the number of failed tests). This allows you to use hlx perf as a gating condition in a CI/CD workflow.

Testing Environment

  • Possible device values are:
    • MotorolaMotoG4
    • iPhone5
    • iPhone6
    • iPhone6Plus
    • iPhone7
    • iPhone8
    • Nexus5X
    • Nexus6P
    • GalaxyS5
    • iPad
    • iPadPro
  • Possible connection values are:
    • regular2G
    • good2G
    • slow3G
    • regular3G
    • good3G
    • emergingMarkets
    • regular4G
    • LTE
    • dsl
    • wifi
    • cable
  • Possible location values are:
    • NorthVirginia
    • Frankfurt
    • Sydney
    • Ohio
    • California
    • Oregon
    • Canada
    • Ireland
    • Tokyo
    • Seoul
    • Singapore
    • Mumbai
    • SaoPaulo
    • London

Performance Metrics

You can set performance budgets against following scores (more is better) and metrics (less is better):

  • speed_index: Speed Index
  • visually_complete: Visually Complete
  • visually_complete_85: 85% Visually Complete
  • lighthouse-seo-score: Lighthouse SEO Score
  • lighthouse-best-practices-score: Lighthouse Best Practices Score
  • lighthouse-accessibility-score: Lighthouse Accessibility Score
  • lighthouse-performance-score: Lighthouse Performance Score
  • lighthouse-pwa-score: Lighthouse Progressive Web App Score
  • js-parse-compile: JS Parse & Compile
  • time-to-first-byte: Time to First Byte
  • first-contentful-paint: First Contentful Paint
  • first-meaningful-paint: First Meaningful Paint
  • firstRender: First Paint
  • dom-size: DOM Element Count
  • estimated-input-latency: Estimated input latency
  • consistently-interactive: Time to Interactive
  • first-interactive: First CPU Idle
  • html_body_size_in_bytes: Total HTML size in bytes
  • html_size_in_bytes: Total HTML transferred
  • page_wait_timing: Response time
  • page_size_in_bytes: Total Page transferred
  • page_body_size_in_bytes: Total Page size in bytes
  • asset_count: Number of requests
  • onload: onLoad
  • oncontentload: onContentLoad

Structured (JUnit) Performance Reporting

By calling hlx perf with the option --junit <file>, the performance test results will be reported in JUnit-format, which makes it possible to integrate performance result reporting with the CI system performing an automated deployment.

For hlx demo full, a full CI configuration is created that will run a performance test after a completed deployment, report the per-metric results and mark the build as failed in case metrics are not met.

Developing Helix CLI

Building on macOS Mojave

Before running npm install, make sure that nodegit can find all dependencies:

$ export LDFLAGS="-L/usr/local/opt/openssl/lib"
$ export CPPFLAGS="-I/usr/local/opt/openssl/include"