
ChatPDF clone

Primary LanguageTypeScript

ChatPDF Clone

Deploy with Vercel

A ChatPDF clone using:

  • Next.js 13 (App Router) in TypeScript
  • Database
    • Drizzle ORM
    • Neon (Serverless PostgreSQL)
  • AI-related
    • Pinecone (Vector Database)
    • Langchain
    • OpenAI SDK
    • Vercel AI SDK
  • API schema validation: Zod
  • Object Storage: AWS JavaScript SDK v2
  • Payment: Stripe SDK
  • Styling: Tailwind CSS
  • Third-Party UI Components
    • React Dropzone
    • React Hot Toast
    • shadcn-ui
    • Lucide icons


  1. Add a .env according to .env.example
mv .env.example .env
  1. Install dependencies using pnpm
pnpm install

# start development server
pnpm run dev

# build for production
pnpm run build

# start production server
pnpm run start


This repo is a walkthrough demo based Elliott Chong's video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bZFedu-0emE

However, I made following changes:

  • refreshed SDK versions and related code
  • dropped usage of React Query due to error, used fetch API instead
  • dropped usage of edge runtime for routes due to error running latest Pinecone SDK at edge
  • reorganized some parts of the code
  • added API schema validation with Zod
  • and many more ...