
Create .po & .mo files from Excel spreadsheet

Primary LanguagePHPMIT LicenseMIT


Store all your translations in a single Excel file and immediately generate .po & .mo files from that using a single command.


  • php 8.1
  • composer


Just run composer install and you are done.


php artisan excel2po <domain> <excel> <destination>

argument purpose
domain text domain for language files
excel Excel spreadsheet
destination directory for .po & .mo files

Excel Format

Please refer to this Excel file as a reference on how to structure your translations spreadsheet. First row acts as a header specifying the language. Column named msgid is a hard requirement, it acts as a .pot file.


Why did I create this cli tool? Previously, I was using POEdit and it was more than enough. However, very recently I was faced with 2 issues:

  • multiple languages
  • existing process that rely on Excel

If you have to translate only few languages, POEdit is plenty. However, if you deal with, say 10+ languages, opening, saving closing get tedious very fast...

Not all organizations use POEdit and not everyone is in the capacity to change existing processes. Manually converting large Excel files into .pot and then generating .po/.mo from that is a length process...