
VimWiki addon for managing notes according to Zettelkasten method

Primary LanguageVim ScriptMIT LicenseMIT

The vim-zettel package

This is a Vim plugin that implements ideas of the Zettelkasten method using Vimwiki. It supports both Vimwiki and Markdown syntaxes.

You can read the full documentation using

:help vim-zettel

command in Vim after package installation.


Using Vundle:

Plugin 'vimwiki/vimwiki'
Plugin 'junegunn/fzf'
Plugin 'junegunn/fzf.vim'
Plugin 'michal-h21/vim-zettel'

Silver Searcher is used for searching in the notes by default. The used command can be changed by setting the g:zettel_fzf_command variable.


First of all, it is necessary to configure Vimwiki, as Vim-zettel builds on top of it.

" Settings for Vimwiki
let g:vimwiki_list = [{'path':'~/scratchbox/vimwiki/markdown/','ext':'.md','syntax':'markdown'}, {"path":"~/scratchbox/vimwiki/wiki/"}]

To open the index page of your wiki, invoke Vim with the following parameters:

vim -c VimwikiIndex

Vim-zettel also provides some custom configurations. The following sample contains default values for available settings. It is not necessary to use them in your .vimrc unless you want to use a different value.

" Filename format. The filename is created using strftime() function
let g:zettel_format = "%y%m%d-%H%M"
" command used for VimwikiSearch 
" default value is "ag". To use other command, like ripgrep, pass the
" command line and options:
let g:zettel_fzf_command = "rg --column --line-number --ignore-case --no-heading --color=always "
" Disable default keymappings
let g:zettel_default_mappings = 0 
" This is basically the same as the default configuration
augroup filetype_vimwiki
  autocmd FileType vimwiki imap <silent> [[ [[<esc><Plug>ZettelSearchMap
  autocmd FileType vimwiki nmap T <Plug>ZettelYankNameMap
  autocmd FileType vimwiki xmap z <Plug>ZettelNewSelectedMap
  autocmd FileType vimwiki nmap gZ <Plug>ZettelReplaceFileWithLink
augroup END

" Set template and custom header variable for the second Wiki
let g:zettel_options = [{},{"front_matter" : {"tags" : ""}, "template" :  "~/mytemplate.tpl"}]


By default, Vim-zettel creates filename in the form YYMMDD-HHMM. This format can be changed using the g:zettel_format variable. Any date and time formats supported by the strftime() function.

It is also possible to use other formatting strings:

  • %title -- insert sanitized title
  • %raw_title -- insert raw title
  • file_no -- sequentially number files in wiki
  • file_alpha -- sequentially number files in wiki, but use characters instead of numbers

To use filename based on current time and note title, you can use the following format:

let g:zettel_format = "%y%m%d-%H%M-%title"

For sequentialy named files use:

let g:zettel_format = "%file_no"


It is possible to populate new notes with basic structure using templates. Template can be declared using the g:zettel_options variable:

let g:zettel_options = [{"template" :  "~/path/to/mytemplate.tpl"}]

Sample template:

= %title =

Backlink: %backlink

Variables that start with the % will be expanded. Supported variables:

  • %title - title of the new note
  • %backlink - back link to the parent note
  • %footer - text from the parent note footer. Footer is separated from the main text by horizontal rule (----). It can contain some information shared by notes. For example notes about publication can share citation of that publication.


Vim-zettel adds some commands and mappings on top of Vimwiki. See Vimwiki documentation on how to set up a basic wiki and navigate it.

Commands available in the Vimwiki mode

  • :ZettelNew command – it will create a new wiki file named as %y%m%d-%H%M.wiki (it is possible to change the file name format using g:zettel_format variable). The file uses basic template in the form

    %title Note title
    %date current date

    where title is the first parameter to :ZettelNew.

  • :ZettelOpen command - perform fulltext search using FZF.

  • :ZettelBackLinks command – insert list of notes that link to the current note.

  • :ZettelInbox command – insert list of notes that no other note links to.

  • :ZettelGenerateLinks command – insert list of all wiki pages in the current page. It needs updated tags database. The tags database can be updated using the :VimwikiRebuildTags command.

  • :ZettelGenerateTags command – insert list of tags and pages that used these tags in the current page. It needs updated tags database. The tags database can be updated using the :VimwikiRebuildTags command. It only supports the Vimwiki style tags in the form :tag1:tag2. These work even in the Markdown mode.

  • z command in the visual mode – create a new wiki file using selected text for the note title

  • [[ command in the insert mode – create a link to a note. It uses FZF for the note searching.

  • T command in the normal mode – yank the current note filename and title as a Vimwiki link

  • gZ command in the normal mode – replace file path under cursor with Wiki link

Insert notes to the current document

Vim-zettel provides way to search notes in your Zettelkasten and insert the selected notes in the current document. The notes are automatically converted to the document syntax format using Pandoc.

  • :ZettelInsertNote - select notes using FZF. Multiple notes can be selected using the <TAB> key. The selected notes are inserted in the current document.

Useful Vimwiki commands

  • :VimwikiBacklinks - display files that link to the current page
  • :VimwikiCheckLinks- display files that no other file links to

Import text from the command line

  • :ZettelCapture - create a new Zettel from a file. This command is useful for scripting. It can be used in the following way:

    vim -c ZettelCapture filename

    The original file contents will be replaced with a path to the new wiki file. It should be used with temporary files!

Related packages

The following packages may be useful in conjunction with Vimwiki and Vim-zettel:

  • Notational FZF - fast searching notes with preview window. Similar functionality is now built in in Vim-Zettel using :ZettelOpen command.

To search in the Zettelkasten, set the following variable with path to the Zettelkaster direcory in .vimrc:

let g:nv_search_paths = ['/path/to/zettelkasten/dir']
  • Vimwiki-sync - automatically commit changes in wiki and synchronize them with external Git repository.