
GitHub Action for running Ember Tests

Primary LanguageDockerfileMIT LicenseMIT


GitHub Action for Ember Testing

This GitHub Action provides a Node 10 environment and Headless Chrome, so you can run your Ember tests in GitHub Actions.

Example Workflow

Super Quick Start

Want to get started quick? Define a .github/main.workflow like this:

workflow "Build and Test" {
  on = "push"
  resolves = ["Run Tests"]

action "Install Dependencies" {
  uses = "nuxt/actions-yarn@node-10"
  args = "install"

action "Run Tests" {
  uses = "alexlafroscia/actions-ember-testing@master"
  needs = ["Install Dependencies"]

Want to know more or a more advanced configuration? Check out the wiki!

Projects Using this Action

If you want help setting this up for your own projects, you can check out the following projects which leverage this Action.

Want to add your project to the list? Feel free to send a PR!