
my ~/dotfiles

Primary LanguageShell

Dot files

Place your home directory's dot configuration files under version control. Use symlinks from the home directory to a directory that only contains these configuration files. Eg:

/home/user/.bashrc would be a symlink that points to /home/user/dot/bashrc


Running make will create the symlinks from the home directory down into the checked out repo.

$ cd ~
$ git clone https://github.com/alexlance/dot
$ cd dot
$ make
'/home/user/.tmux.conf' -> 'dot/tmux.conf'
'/home/user/.bashrc' -> 'dot/bashrc'

Then you can commit/pull/push from inside the dot directory to keep your configurations up to date.


  • Existing config files are never touched, eg it won't deploy a .bashrc symlink and overwite your existing .bashrc.

  • Running make a second time will remove any symlinks that link back to the repo. It only removes the symlink if it does actually point to a file in the repo.

  • Deploy or undeploy only one file instead of all of them by targetting it, eg: make bashrc. Don't prefix the target with "." if just deploying one file.