# CodeIgniter 4 RESTapi Server for VueJS Blog repository
Based on YouTube tutorial
1. Clone to you XAMPP/WAMP directory
navigate inside your project folder using command line/terminal and run:
composer install
2. Create a database in your phpMyAdmin
Once you create your db import restapi.sql
This mysql dump has some dummy data such as:
In oauth_clients table you already have
Client id: testclient
Client secret: testsecret
You should change this credentials to your own randomly generated keys
In users table you already have
User: Alex Lancer
Email: test@alexlancer.com
Password: password
not in use because in the tutorial we created custom Storage driver and used our own table for storing the users which is named 'users' instead of the default table 'oauth_users'
3. Time to setup your .env file
- Duplicate
file and uncomment alldatabase.default
lines and set you database connection details - Add new line after
database.default.DBDriver = MySQLi
database.default.DSN = 'mysql:dbname=ADD_YOUR_DB_NAME;host=localhost'
- Uncomment and set app.baseURL
4. Setup your server to point into public folder of CodeIgniter
Watch this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qPefoRbsfMc&t=320s