- 1
AlexNet SVG Renderer Issue
#65 opened by somanshurath - 1
[Feature Request] Alternate zooming controls
#63 opened by Demkeys - 0
- 4
Bias should be added to input layer
#45 opened by ErikSchulze1796 - 5
Not an issue, but a suggestion/query
#55 opened by massisenergy - 2
- 5
feature request: "Being able to upload weights and biases to the web interface"
#32 opened by marjanin - 1
Feature request: Export as NN code
#51 opened by niyazpk - 3
- 2
Support residual/skip connections
#56 opened by dario-loi - 7
Cannot use the web tool to configure SVGs
#38 opened by ibowennn - 0
- 1
- 1
Cannot remove dense layer on LeNet Style
#48 opened by NEGU93 - 1
Feature Request: Models with Branches
#47 opened by harshraj22 - 2
Feature request: Export as PNG
#46 opened by natephysics - 4
Multiple outputs?
#43 opened by Ademord - 1
- 1
- 1
Link to Underscore.js is broken
#40 opened - 2
- 4
- 3
- 4
Unicode characters not supported
#34 opened by Pavo98 - 3
Label the edges with weight values
#33 opened by bikashg - 1
- 2
Show dimensions text sprite issue
#29 opened by aFewThings - 4
- 0
Can we save the architecture settings?
#28 opened by Lecrapouille - 2
- 0
- 0
Feature request: optional display of input picture instead of grey background
#25 opened by 2ndMessiah - 1
#22 opened by timobaumann - 0
- 2
Add filter size in Image
#18 opened by abc873693 - 9
Change width and height separately
#10 opened by rupertbayern - 3
support line arrow
#16 opened by HorsonLiu - 4
- 4
FCNN layers missing labels
#14 opened by eshrh - 2
- 1
Adding captions for each layer
#13 opened by VictoriousRaptor - 3
Download Issue for AlexNet Style SVG
#9 opened by ynngliu - 1