
Custom training of DeepRacer models with custom environments using the AWS DeepRacer console

Primary LanguagePython

DeepRacer Advanced Training for AWS DeepRacer Console

This project provides helping scripts to automate the training of DeepRacer models using the official AWS DeepRacer console for re-inforcement learning.


Randomize the environment

One big problem with Deeracer is overfitting to the virtual environment. This can be prevented by randomizing the world (textures and tracks). While manipulating the environment in a local training setup is rather easy, doing this in the official console is only possible by modifying the official deepracer simulation application. A set of scripts for doing this is provided in this repository.

Here are some impressions:

Increase Speed

  1. Start a new DeepRacer job
  2. Get the Robomaker ARN from the Robomaker Console
  3. execute ./increase_speed.py <robomaker arn> <time in minutes> <percentage increase> (e.g. ./increase_speed.py "arn:aws:robomaker:us-east-1:000000000:simulation-job/sim-6z3jfvryz3dh" 120 1.10)