
PHP Wrapper for the Help Scout API

Primary LanguagePHP

Help Scout PHP Wrapper

PHP Wrapper for the Help Scout API and Webhooks implementation. More information on our developer site: http://developer.helpscout.net.

Please see the our recent releases and changelog for futher information and downloads.


  • PHP 5.3.x
  • curl

Example Usage: API

include 'HelpScout/ApiClient.php';

use HelpScout\ApiClient;

$hs = ApiClient::getInstance();

$mailboxes = $hs->getMailboxes();
if ($mailboxes) {
    // do something

$mailbox = $hs->getMailbox(99);
if ($mailbox) {
    $mailboxName = $mailbox->getName();
    $folders = $mailbox->getFolders();
    // do something

$conversation = $hs->getConversation(999);
if ($conversation) {
    // do something
    $threads = $conversation->getThreads();
    foreach($threads as $thread) {
        if ($thread instanceof \HelpScout\model\thread\LineItem) {
          // do something else
        if ($thread instanceof \HelpScout\model\thread\ConversationThread) {
          // do something again

// to get page 2 of a list of conversations:
$list = $hs->getConversationsForMailbox(99, array('page' => 2));

// to get all the closed conversations:
$closed = $hs->getConversationsForMailbox(99, array('page' => 1, 'status' => 'closed'));

// to get page 2 of a list of conversations, 
// while only returning the "id" and "number" attributes on a conversation:
$convos = $hs->getConversationsForMailbox(99, array('page' => 2), array('id', 'number'));

// to get page 2 conversations from a specific folder:
$convos = $hs->getConversationsForFolder(99, 22, array('page' => 2)); // where 99=MailboxId and 22=FolderId

// to create a new conversation with a note and an attachment
$at = new \HelpScout\model\Attachment();


$note = new \HelpScout\model\thread\Note();
$note->setBody('Hey this is a note');

// if you already know the ID of the Help Scout user, you can simply get a ref
$userRef = $hs->getUserRefProxy(4);


$convo = new \HelpScout\model\Conversation();
$convo->setSubject('Note test');

// every conversation must be tied to a customer



Field Selectors

Field selectors can be given as a string or an array.

When field selectors are used, a JSON object is returned with the specificed fields. If no fields are given, you will be given the proper object. For example, the following code will return a JSON object with fields for 'name' and 'email'.

$mailbox = ApiClient::getInstance()->getMailbox(99, array('name','email'));

Returned JSON

    "name": "My Mailbox",
    "email": "help@mymailbox.com"	

API Client Methods


  • getMailboxes($page=1, $fields=null)
  • getMailbox($mailboxId, $fields=null)


  • getFolders($mailboxId, $page=1, $fields=null)


  • getConversationsForFolder($mailboxId, $folderId, array $params=array(), $fields=null)
  • getConversationsForMailbox($mailboxId, array $params=array(), $fields=null)
  • getConversationsForCustomerByMailbox($mailboxId, $customerId, array $params=array(), $fields=null)
  • getConversation($conversationId, $fields=null)
  • createConversation($conversation)
  • createThread($conversationId, $thread)
  • updateConversation($conversation)
  • deleteConversation($id)


  • getAttachmentData($attachmentId)
  • createAttachment($attachment)
  • deleteAttachment($id)


  • getCustomers($page=1, $fields=null)
  • searchCustomers($firstName=null, $lastName=null, $email=null, $page=1, $fields=null)
  • searchCustomersByEmail($email, $page=1, $fields=null)
  • searchCustomersByName($firstName, $lastName, $page=1, $fields=null)
  • getCustomer($customerId, $fields=null)
  • createCustomer($customer)
  • updateCustomer($customer)


  • getUsers($page=1, $fields=null)
  • getUsersForMailbox($mailboxId, $page=1, $fields=null)
  • getUser($userId, $fields=null)

Example Usage: Webhooks

include 'HelpScout/Webhook.php';

$webhook = new \HelpScout\Webhook('secret-key-here');
if ($webhook->isValid()) {
  $eventType = $webhook->getEventType();
  switch($eventType) {
    case 'convo.created':
        $conversation = $webhook->getConversation();
        // do something
    case 'convo.deleted':
        $obj = $webhook->getObject();
        if ($obj) {
          $convoId = $obj->id;
          // do something
    case 'customer.created':
        $customer = $webhook->getCustomer();
        // do something