I am a motivated researcher working in the area of Robotic Perception using Computer Vision, Artificial Intelligence and Robotics methods.
University of Texas at ArlingtonArlington TX
Pinned Repositories
Simple Unity-based haptics demo for research customers using the Burt robot created by Barrett Technology, LLC
This work integrates an autonomous navigation system to a drone platform for indoor (e.g. corridor, hallway) and industrial environments (e.g. production line). It also has the ability to avoid pedestrians while they are working or walking in the vicinity of the robot. The only sensor in our system is the front camera.
Description : A ROS wrapper for a face tracking program developed by Alexandros Lioulemes
This application integrates a 3D exercise-game with the robotic arm (Barrett Wam), operated by therapist in order to assign in real-time the prerecorded exercises to the patients.
Integrated robotic visual perception system that delivers coffee to individuals in a “Starbucks” simulated environment. The system uses camera face detection and recognition methods to identify the users and deliver their orders.
This User Interface uses an inter-process communication protocol to send data (user's face) to the robotic platform (robot-waiter).
This repository allows the user to interact with our proposed battery of serious games in combination with the remote eye-tracking device (Eye-Tribe)
alexluleme's Repositories
Simple Unity-based haptics demo for research customers using the Burt robot created by Barrett Technology, LLC
This work integrates an autonomous navigation system to a drone platform for indoor (e.g. corridor, hallway) and industrial environments (e.g. production line). It also has the ability to avoid pedestrians while they are working or walking in the vicinity of the robot. The only sensor in our system is the front camera.
Description : A ROS wrapper for a face tracking program developed by Alexandros Lioulemes
This application integrates a 3D exercise-game with the robotic arm (Barrett Wam), operated by therapist in order to assign in real-time the prerecorded exercises to the patients.
Integrated robotic visual perception system that delivers coffee to individuals in a “Starbucks” simulated environment. The system uses camera face detection and recognition methods to identify the users and deliver their orders.
This User Interface uses an inter-process communication protocol to send data (user's face) to the robotic platform (robot-waiter).
This repository allows the user to interact with our proposed battery of serious games in combination with the remote eye-tracking device (Eye-Tribe)