A library to manage the addition, and removal of layers in Leaflet and Cesium maps (Google coming soon). Furthermore it provides methods to set opacity, visibility, events and more.
Using npm:
npm install layer-manager
or using git:
npm install vizzuality/layer-manager
// Import LayersManager and the corresponding Plugin depending on the
// map provider that you are using
import LayerManager, { PluginLeaflet } from 'layer-manager';
const map = L.map('map_canvas').setView([40, -3], 5);
const layerManager = new LayerManager(map, PluginLeaflet, {});
// Adding all layers to map
layerManager.add(layerSpec, {
opacity: 0.5,
visibility: true,
zIndex: 2,
interactivity: [], // It can be any type. It will depend on the layer provider
events: {
click: e => {},
mouseover: e => {}
}, // Only events supported by your map provider
// Some layers need to be decoded
params: {
url: '', // Tile url to be decoded. * Mandatory
iso: 'BRA',
thresh: 30
}, // * Mandatory
sqlParams: {
where: {
iso: 'BRA',
thresh: 30
decodeParams: {}, // * Mandatory
decodeFunction: (data, w, h, z) => {
// ...stuff
// remove all layers
// removing specific layers
// Setting opacity to specific layer
layerManager.setOpacity('layerID', 0.5);
// Setting visibility to specific layer
layerManager.setVisibility('layerID', false);
// Setting z-index to specific layer
layerManager.setZIndex('layerID', 500);
is the response of http://api.resourcewatch.org/v1/layer?application=rw
Support for promises:
layerManager.add().then(layer => {
console.log('layer added');
<link rel="stylesheet" href="https://unpkg.com/leaflet@1.3.1/dist/leaflet.css" />
<script src="https://unpkg.com/leaflet@1.3.1/dist/leaflet.js"></script>
<script src="https://unpkg.com/esri-leaflet/dist/esri-leaflet.js"></script>
<script src="https://unpkg.com/leaflet-utfgrid/L.UTFGrid-min.js"></script>
Method name | Description | Default |
setOpacity | To set opacity. A value beetween 0 and 1. | 1 |
setVisibility | It shows or hidden a layer. Boolean. | true |
setZIndex | It sets the layer position. Number | last index |
setEvents | Object map with { [event type]: [event handler] } key value pairs |
Plugin name | Supported methods | Supported providers |
PluginLeaflet | setOpacity , setVisibility , setZIndex , setEvents |
canvas , cartodb , carto , arcgis , featureservice , mapservice , tileservice , esrifeatureservice , esrimapservice , esritileservice , gee , loca , nexgddp , leaflet |
PluginCesium | setOpacity , setVisibility , setZIndex , setEvents |
cartodb , carto |
There is a single React component that can be used to help with rendering layers via the layer manager. It can be imported and used as follows:
import { LayerManager, Layer } from 'layer-manager/dist/components';
import { PluginLeaflet } from 'layer-manager';
// map is a reference to whichever map API you are using
// For leaflet this would be
this.map = L.map('c-map', mapOptions);
<LayerManager map={this.map} plugin={PluginLeaflet}>
{activeLayers.map(l => (
<Layer key={l.id} {...l} />