
CloudFirestore app is built with Fireabse Cloud Firestore and Kotlin using MVVM Architecture Pattern.

Primary LanguageKotlin

CloudFirestore - Clean Architecture with MVVM.

It's an aplication build with Kotlin as an example on how to display data from a Cloud Firestore, using four different approaches. The first approach is using a callback, the second approach is using an Android Architecture Component called LiveData, the third one is using Kotlin Coroutines and the fourt one using Flow. All four approaches are using the same Android Architecture Component called ViewModel.

To keep things simple, the app uses a very simple database schema that look like in the image below:

alt text

To make this app work, follow the instructions given in the official documentation regarding how to add Firebase to your project. Add the JSON file in your app folder, add some dummy products and see it working.

This repo is the source code of the this article: How to read data from Cloud Firestore using get()?

See it also on youtube: https://youtu.be/eUEADVqM05I