alexmarqs's Following
- boringContributorePilot GmbH
- bukinoshita@resend
- chemic
- chronark@Unkeyed
- cloudflareSan Francisco, London, Austin, Lisbon, Singapore
- colinhacksBun
- CrackiiiEpilot
- craigsdennis@cloudflare
- epilot-devGermany
- eterima@epilot-dev
- FilipPyrek@purple-technology
- httpie
- huozhi@vercel
- jaredpalmer@vercel
- joaomdmoura@crewAIInc
- josecarneiro@epilot-dev
- josuablejeruAirbus Aerostructures
- jsjoeio@BanklessLabs
- jsontypedef
- langchain-aiUnited States of America
- lmammino@fourtheorem
- mckaywrigleyTakeoff AI
- mdnm@epilot-dev
- NishuGoel@epilot-dev
- oieduardorabeloAuckland - NZ
- openmfe
- paulofphEpilot Cloud
- privatenumber@square
- sindresorhus
- SocketDevUnited States of America
- TkDodoVienna, Austria
- vercelUnited States of America
- vladcrishan
- zvictorCopenhagen / Bratislava / Florianópolis