
Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Sample project structure for a python package, contains all the necessary files to publish a PyPI package.


  • use Python 3 and pip3 like npm
  • use virtualenv like node_modules

Tool Installation

pip3 install virtualenvwrapper
echo "
# python virtualenv
source /usr/local/bin/virtualenvwrapper.sh" >> ~/.bash_profile

Project creation

I'm assuming my PyPI package name is structure. Also, don't use non-alphabetic characters; for exampl PyPI will not allow '-' and '_'.

  • create a project on Github, add README, .gitignore, LICENSE. Clone your git repo locally.
  • update your .gitignore (see example) and remove .md from README.md cuz PyPI can't even
  • create a setup.py (see example).
  • make a folder with your package name to contain your source code. mkdir structure in my case.
  • since the folder will be a module, add structure/__init__.py; this file will also contain the version, and the packaged methods.
  • add any of your Python source code under structure.py and import the needed module methods in structure/__init__.py
  • finally, at the root, do pip3 freeze > requirements.txt to generate list of dependencies you used, so it can install with pip3 install -r requirements.txt


Now that you have the project, it's time to publish. Navigate to the project root. First, register your package name; this may prompt you to create an account and login if it's your first time:

python setup.py register

Then, if the package name is registered successfully, upload your source to PyPI:

python setup.py sdist upload

Then wait for a bazillion years for PyPI to update it on their server before you can pip install it.


The ./index.py is a test file ignored in setup.py. A close thing to npm's node_modules is to create a virtual env to install dependencies and run code from:

# go to the root of your project folder to create env
virtualenv env
# activate the created virtual env
source env/bin/activate
# type 'deactivate' inside to quit

# install the package inside env
pip3 install -U structure
# Get ready the source code below before run:
python3 index.py

Inside ./index.py there's a sample code:

# the package
import structure

# using class
g1 = structure.greeter()

# using module method