
Alef Invest Web Wallet application

Primary LanguageJavaScript



  1. Initialise git repository
  2. Configure .gitignore file to prevent sensitive information going to public
  3. Generate npm project
  4. Configure webpack to handle app architecture
  5. Put web-wallet source code
  6. Update ddev and configure
  7. Add npm dependency for web3 library
  8. Connect "Infura" service to deal with blockchain networks
    • TODO:
      • Create api endpoint on my server alefinvest.xyz to retrieve sensetive information
      • It should be secure endpoint with auth endpoint.
  9. Push current version to private repo
  10. Update source code
    • update BlockchainService -> getAddress()
    • update BlockchainService -> getBalance()
    • renderAddress() for real
    • make renderBalance async


  1. Add webpack.config.js to support variable declaration in .env file
    • npm install --save-dev webpack webpack-cli babel-loader @babel/core @babel/preset-env dotenv-webpack path
  2. Inherit EthLib from AbstractCurrencyLib
  3. npm i node-polyfill-webpack-plugin and adjust webpack.config.js accordingly to: https://stackoverflow.com/a/65556946
  4. Adjust package.json scripts: add "build": "webpack --config webpack.config.js --mode development --progress"
  5. Add ETH token support


  1. Add ERC20 token support


  1. Add btc support


  1. Add functionality to perform transactions to send btc
    • Generate new BTC keys for testnet with WIF curl -X POST http://api.blockcypher.com/v1/btc/test3/addrs?bech32=1
    • Update .env
  2. Install npm package npm install bitcoinjs-lib@5.1.3