
This gem provides a rake task for executing DelayedJob backed by ActiveRecord remotely over an SSH connection.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'delayed_job-ssh_remote_worker'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install delayed_job-ssh_remote_worker


This gem provides two Rake tasks - jobs:remote_work and jobs:remote_workoff.

Run all jobs continuously

rake jobs:remote_work

This rake task will run an infinite loop, polling the remote server for new delayed jobs to run.

Run jobs that are currently in the queue

rake jobs:remote_workoff

This rake task runs the jobs that are currently in the queue, then exits.


Require the gem and either create a config/remote_database.yml file that contains a record such as below:

  ssh_hostname: ""
  ssh_username: "app"
  adapter:      "postgresql"
  encoding:     "unicode"
  database:     "dbname"
  username:     "dbuser"
  password:     "pa$$word"

Alternatively, the ssh_hostname and ssh_username can be simply added to an entry in config/database.yml. You may specify the SSH port number as ssh_port.

The config/remote_database.yml top level keys can have names other than your Rails.env. For example:

  ssh_hostname: ""
  ssh_username: "app"
  ssh_port:     20022
  adapter:      "postgresql"
  encoding:     "unicode"
  database:     "dbname"
  username:     "dbuser"
  password:     "pa$$word"

  ssh_hostname: ""
  ssh_username: "app"
  adapter:      "mysql"
  encoding:     "unicode"
  database:     "dbname"
  username:     "dbuser"
  password:     "pa$$word"

The key can then be specified in ENV['REMOTE_ENV'] thusly:

RAILS_ENV=production REMOTE_ENV=fast_server bundle exec rake jobs:remote_workoff

If ENV['REMOTE_ENV'] is not set, delayed_job-ssh_remote_worker will default to Rails.env.


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  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create a new Pull Request