
An engineering lunch on Polymer elements, made with Polymer elements

Primary LanguageJavaScript


An engineering lunch on Polymer elements, made with Polymer elements

This repo partially implements a <presentation gist='13b5jbjbyhb'> tag that will fetch specially-formed gists and digest it into a presentation of <slide> elements.

Make a gist with different files called slide-1.md|markdown and code-1.js and they will be sucked in and spit out into the presentation.

.md|.markdown from a slide-X.md file is put inside a <markdown> element, and code is put inside a syntax-highlighted <code-highlight-element> tag. It knows about .js and .html for now, easy to add more.

There is an initial-load bug that I didn't need to fix for my presentation. And other bugs. And the style is bad. Sorry.