Alex Hunt
This project shows ...
- Styled page with CSS: Added rules for the following selectors:
- body
- background color #95C0E0
- center-aligned text
- Arial font
- headers:
- h1: color #052B47, 36px size font
- h2: color #3A454D
- h3: color #0E77C7
- ul: left text alignment
- li: color #c0A5894
- table & th: solid border, 5px for table and 1px for th
- body
- Added addtional HTML Tags
- image: Photo of myself
- link (a): Links to my IMGD4000 project page. Can be found right under the table of CS classes I've taken.
- table: Forms a table of all the CS classes I've taken.
- address: For my email address under my photo.
- select: To create a small drop-down menu in the "Memes" section at the bottom. Currently does nothing.
- (The <iframe> tag was copied from YouTube's video embed, so it's not my work. I just put the video embed there for fun.)
- Edited server.js: Added cases to the switch statement inside http.createServer in order to add support for my external image and .css files.
- Used a custom color palette from You can find the color palette here in the repo. I used CSS styles to add these colors to the page using the h1, h2, h3, body, and li selectors.