meeting questions:
- can you read the space typed in the braille?
- late work, allow submissions past due date?
- if not, what happens if you do not complete a prereq
- do we need to have a published flag on assignments? the alternative is to just put them in the future
- should start and end dates be required?
- how paranoid are we about archiving? if we reset for a semester do we need to keep old submissions?
number the letter indicators (f 1, d 2, s 3, j 4, k 5, l 6)
dont include a and ;
- option to show a reference
- braille to print assignmets
- print to braille assignments
admin / teacher
- grade assignments ( opportunity for teacher to override )
- auto grade with multiple correct answers
- just the due datetime
- track time to complete
- assignment prerequisites
- assignment open date
assignment total points
null grade if not graded yet
show assignment as complete on homepage if there are submissions as a student
show assignments that will be available once prerequs met "Course Assignments"
get new account experience to throw no errors
- add a home page that explains wtf this is
duplicate spaces in braille to make them more obvious
- grading submission - assignment takes the whole screen, prevous and next buttons
- only grade the most recent submission
multi-stage assignments:
- braille a word "character", show an new word
- show all the words, retry them before submitting
- probably not mixing and matching braille to print and print to braille
everything mildly rounded
- date label
- student assignment list
- admin navigation
light mode color scheme
datetime labels need to all be the same size and indentation
light mode datepicker
focus input borders based on color scheme
reference braille on student assignment view looks bad
text to type on assignment detail needs to be bigger
style braille number keys to be bolder rather than the letters (numbers first, letters second)
H - ea - ar
wea - the - r not: wea - th - er
- because
is strong andth
are lower - strong contraction > strong groupsign > everything else
- wordsign gets precedence if it is the entire word
- some shortform words can be used as parts of words
- can be followed by "'s"
- grade 1 is just letters, grade 2 is where non alphabetic characters happen ``
nov 27th: features done
- stages, one at a time? autosave cant come until later.
dec 11th: ship the code
sem start jan: 8