
A web server boilerplate built on TypeScript end Express.

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Typescript Server

A web server boilerplate built on TypeScript and MongoDB.

Getting Started

npm Scripts

There are four main npm scripts that you should familiarise yourself with:

npm run build:

  • Runs the TypeScript transpiler to generate .js files and outputs them to dist.

npm start:

  • Runs dist/server.js with node. You will need to make sure you have previously run npm run build to compile src/server.ts. This script should be used when running the server in production.

npm run dev:

  • Runs src/server.ts with nodemon and ts-node, resulting in a development workflow that avoids tsc transpilation steps and restarts ts-node as changes are made to .ts files in src. If you would prefer to run tsc compiled .js files in watch mode, you can redefine npm run dev to point to npm run dev:js.

npm run test:

  • Runs all tests with jest and outputs a coverage report. Tests can be placed in either a __tests__ directory inside any level of the src folder, or in a separate tests directory at the root of the project folder. Tests should be named *.test.ts or *.test.js.