Open Weather Map


  • Clone the repository
  • Run npm install from inside the repository
  • Run npm start. Your default browser will automatically opens with the app. You can also access it from http://localhost:3000/


Tested on the following environment:

  • Node 6.0.0
  • NPM 3.8.6
  • macOS 10.12.2
  • Chrome 55.0.2883.95, Safari 10.0.2 (12602., Firefox 51.0.1

Process of creation

  • I decided to use the React library to realise this project.
  • I used create-react-app to generate the app, then I ejected it in order to add a few additional features to the build process.
  • I've added sass-loader to webpack to use SASS instead of regular CSS.
  • The app follows a modular architecture to organize the different components.
  • I use the ES6 (...and more) syntax as much as possible.
  • I don't use Redux because it's not needed for such a small app.