
(Data Persistence - API {Back-end}) WeConnect provides a platform that brings businesses and individuals together. This platform creates awareness for businesses and gives the users the ability to write reviews about the businesses they have interacted with.

Primary LanguagePython

Codacy Badge Maintainability Build Status Coverage Status


WeConnect provides a platform that brings businesses and individuals together. This platform creates awareness for businesses and gives the users the ability to write reviews about the businesses they have interacted with.

Technology Used

The API has been built with:

  • Flask micro-framework (Python 3.6)
  • Postgresql Database
  • JSON Web Tokens

UI templates and API Documentation


  1. Users can be able to register and create an account
  2. Registered users can be able to log in


  1. Ensure you have installed Python3.6+, created and an activated a virtual environment.
  2. Clone the repo in your local machine inside the virtual environment you have created.
  3. Navigate to the project folder(WeConnect-API-v2)
  4. Install all the requirements of the project by typing: pip install -r requirements.txt

Running the API

Make Migrations

  • Create this folder and file inside the main folder /instance/config.py add this two lines

SECRET_KEY = 'your_secret_key_here' SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI = 'your_postgres_database_uri'

  • Type in terminal: flask db init flask db migrate flask db upgrade

  • NOTE: While on development uncomment line 20 and comment line 19 /app/__init__.py file. Reverse this while on production.

  • Type in terminal: export FLASK_CONFIG=developmemt export FLASK_APP=run.py flask run

Running the Tests

API Endpoints

Resource URL Methods Description
/api/v2/auth/register POST User Registration
/api/v2/auth/login POST User Login
/api/v2/auth/reset-password PUT User can be able to reset password
/api/v2/auth/logout DELETE Logs out User
/api/v2/category POST Create a business category
/api/v2/category/all GET Retrieve all created categories
/api/v2/category/<category_id> PUT Updates a business category
/api/v2/category/<category_id> DELETE Deletes a business category
/api/v2/<category_id>/business POST Create a business with unique ID and business name
/api/v2/business/all GET Retrive all business created
/api/v2/business/<business_id> GET Retrive a business by ID
/api/v2/business/<business_id> DELETE Remove a business
/api/v2/<business_id>/review POST Add a review for a business
/api/v2/reviews/all GET Get all reviews
/api/v2/reviews/all/page=int:page GET (Paginantion)Get all reviews
/api/v2/reviews/all/page=int:page&limit=int:limit GET (Paginantion)Get all reviews


Resource URL Methods Description
/api/v2/category/all/page=int:page GET (Paginantion)Retrieve all created categories
/api/v2/category/all/page=int:page&limit=int:limit GET (Paginantion)Retrieve all created categories
/api/v2/business/all/page=int:page GET (Paginantion)Retrive all business created
/api/v2/business/all/page=int:page&limit=int:limit GET (Paginantion)Retrive all business created


Resource URL Methods Description
/api/v2/search?q= GET Search Business by q

Searching and Filtering

Resource URL Methods Description
/api/v2/search?q=&location=&category= GET Filter Business by Location and Category