react-mqtt is an MQTT client library for PHP.
Its based on the reactPHP socket-client and added the MQTT protocol specific functions. Also based on
Goal of this project is easy to use MQTT client for PHP in a modern architecture without using any php modules. Currently, only protocol version 4 (mqtt 3.1.1) is implemented.
- Protocol specifications:
// mqtt.php
use Morbo\React\Mqtt\Client;
use Morbo\React\Mqtt\ConnectionOptions;
use Morbo\React\Mqtt\Protocols\Version4;
require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';
// Creating Event Loop
$loop = React\EventLoop\Factory::create();
// Connection configuration
$config = [
'host' => 'localhost',
'port' => 1883,
// 'options' => new ConnectionOptions([
// 'username' => 'auth_user',
// 'password' => 'auth_password',
// 'clientId' => 'react_client', // default is 'react-'.uniqid()
// 'cleanSession' => true, // default is true
// 'cleanSession' => true, // default is true
// . 'willTopic' => '',
// . 'willMessage' => '',
// . 'willQos' => '',
// . 'willRetain' => '',
// . 'keepAlive' => 60, // default is 60
// ])
$mqtt = new Client($loop, new Version4());
use React\Socket\ConnectionInterface;
require 'mqtt.php';
$connection = $mqtt->connect($config['host'], $config['port'], $config['options']);
$connection->then(function (ConnectionInterface $stream) use ($mqtt, $loop) {
* Stop loop, when client disconnected from mqtt server
$stream->on('end', function () use ($loop) {
$data = [
'foo' => 'bar',
'bar' => 'baz',
'time' => time(),
$qos = Morbo\React\Mqtt\Packets\QoS\Levels::AT_MOST_ONCE_DELIVERY; // 0
$mqtt->publish($stream, 'foo/bar', json_encode($data), $qos)->then(function (ConnectionInterface $stream) use ($mqtt) {
* Disconnect when published
use Morbo\React\Mqtt\Packets;
use React\Socket\ConnectionInterface;
require 'mqtt.php';
$connection = $mqtt->connect($config['host'], $config['port'], $config['options']);
$connection->then(function (ConnectionInterface $stream) use ($mqtt) {
$qos = Morbo\React\Mqtt\Packets\QoS\Levels::AT_MOST_ONCE_DELIVERY; // 0
$mqtt->subscribe($stream, 'foo/bar', $qos)->then(function (ConnectionInterface $stream) use ($qos) {
// Success subscription
$stream->on(Packets\Publish::EVENT, function(Packets\Publish $publish) {
}, function ($error) {
// Subscription error
Currently works:
- connect (clean session, will options, keepalive, connection authorization)
- disconnect
- publish
- subscribe