Cloud Detection Framework

This project is a part of my master thesis and serves as a framework for using Googles cloud computing engine to easily train and test object detectors on custom data.

Getting Started



When you have installed the gcloud SDK and made an instance on Google Cloud, it can be accessed with SSH

gcloud compute ssh <instance-name> --zone <zone>

Clone this git repo and run


This will:

  • Install CUDA and cudnn
  • Download and build Darknet (YOLO) with GPU support
  • Install Tensorflow and its object detection API
  • Add some paths and other stuff to .bashrc
  • Install a lot of stuff because dependencies
  • Setup a directory structure
  • Download pretrained weights for SSD and YOLOv3

After has finished run

. .bashrc

from your home directory to get your paths correct

Uploading Data

To begin training we need some data. The data must be labelled in the VOC Pascal format, the xml files and the jpg files should be in the same folder. To label images LabelImg which will label the images in the correct format.

During the setup a "data" directory was made in the home directory. In data's subdirectory "datasets" the data should be uploaded. It should look like this.

├── ...
└── data                    
    ├── ...         
    └── datasets                
        ├── ...
        └── dataset1
       		├── train
       		│   ├── img1.jpg    
       		│   ├── img1.xml    # Annotation for img1 in VOC Pascal format
       		│   └── ...
       		└── test
       		    ├── img2.jpg
       		    ├── img2.xml    # Annotation for img2 in VOC Pascal format
       		    └── ...

The dataset have to be split into a train and test directory, this can be done using in resources.

To upload a dataset to the Google Cloud instance use the following command

gcloud compute scp --recurse /LOCAL/PATH/TO/DATASET <instance-name>:~/data/datasets --zone <zone>


You can now run which will ask the user which datasets to use for training.

python cloud_detection_framework/yolo/ /FULL/PATH/TO/DARKNET /FULL/PATH/TO/DATA/DIRECTORY

YOLO is implemented in Python 2, and SSD in Python 3, not to make it harder, but it was the only way while still using the original implementation I found. This was solved using a virtual environment for everything other than YOLO related stuff. Activate by using the command

source venv/bin/activate

from the home directory. When the Python 3 virtual environment is activated the following command can be run to train ssd

python cloud_detection_framework/ssd/ /FULL/PATH/TO/DATA/DIRECTORY




This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the file for details
