
Application to run Testscripts to control ECUs connected to DLT Viewer

Primary LanguageC++GNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


DLTTestRobot is used to run Test sripts to automate tests in combination with the DLt Viewer.

Image of DLTTestRobot

For further information about DLT visit the DLT Viewer project:



  • Init status

Protocol with DLT Viewer Plugin DLTTestRobot

The DLTTestRobot application sets up a TCP connection at Port 4490 with the DLT Viewer plugin. The protocol is based on ASCII commands. Each command is terminated by a newline '\n'. The follwoing commands are currently supported:

  • filter clear
  • filter add
  • injection
  • newFile
  • openFile
  • saveAsFile
  • reopenFile
  • clearfile
  • quitDltViewer
  • marker
  • connectAllEcu
  • disconnectAllEcu

The DLt Viewer plugin sends back the filtered DLT messages in the format ending with a newline '\n':

Fileformat of test description *.dtr

All simulation and test commands are written into a text file. Multiple tests are defined in a single file. All empty lines and lines beginning with a ';' character will be ignored as comments

The following general commands are used

  • version

The following commands are used in each test

  • test id <name_without_seperators>
  • test description
  • test repeat
  • test fail next|continue|stop
  • test begin
  • test end

The following test commands inside a test can be used:

  • filter clear
  • filter add
  • injection
  • wait
  • wait
  • find equal
  • find unequal
  • find greater
  • find smaller
  • measure


To build this SW the Qt Toolchain must be used.


  • DLTTestRobot.exe [options] configuration

  • Options:

  • -?, -h, --help Help

  • -v, --version Version

  • -a Autostart Communication

  • Arguments:

  • configuration Configuration file


Contibutions are always welcome! Please provide a Pull Request on Github.



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v0.1.3 Beta:

  • Reduce Debug output
  • Fix measure command
  • Add syntax check when loading test cases
  • New command: find unequal
  • New command: test fail next|continue|stop
  • Cleanup Test State and Status
  • Fix DLT Test Robot Connection state
  • Improve usability
  • Wait random time


  • Single tests gets Report name dependend on test id
  • All tests enabled by default
  • Connect and Disconnect all ECUs in DLT Viewer
  • New command to measure power consumption and write to report summary
  • Output found DLT message
  • Fixed DLT find single word
  • DLT file output also in reports directory
  • Marker when test fails
  • Test version output
  • Test report with summary in folder reports
  • One test report for all test jobs
  • First version of test report
  • Rearange UI
  • Show list of commands


  • Fixed stopping tests
  • Update build script to Qt 5.15.2 and MSVC 2019


  • Fix DLT Test output


  • Automatic reconnect DLTTestRobot


  • Repeat single test
  • Run all tests
  • Repeat all tests
  • Stop tests


  • Initial version


Alexander Wenzel alex@eli2.de

This code is licensed under GPLv3.