
Primary LanguagePythonApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


is embeddable meta data discovery, extraction, collection, and management framework utilizing Redis, specifically Redisearch, Redis Graph, and very powerful computational capability of core Redis like HyperLogLog, Bloomfilter, Streams, etc.


Tested on Linux (ubuntu 22.04). This project is in very begining stage of development, so be patient errors are the norm :)

  1. Run git command:

~/PYTHON/$ git clone https://github.com/alexmy21/redis-meta.git

  1. Create local virtual environment:

~/PYTHON/$ python3 -m venv redis-meta

  1. Change directory to the redis-meta:

~/PYTHON/$ cd redis-meta

  1. Activate venv:

~/PYTHON/redis-meta$ source <path_to_redis-meta>/bin/activate

  1. Install all packages from requirements.txt file:

~/PYTHON/redis-meta$ pip install -r requirements.txt

  1. Make .mds_py accessible from local environment:

~/PYTHON/redis-meta$ export MDS_PY=<path_to_redis-meta>.mds_py

Running project

There are two sub-projects in this repository:

  1. meta - is a core embeddable python libraray;
  2. meta-app - it is created to demo how redis-meta can be used in user's applications.

To run meta-app you should execute the following command from the terminal (assuming that you are in the project root and you activated venv):

(redis-meta) alex:~/PYTHON/redis-meta$ uvicorn server:app --reload

I am using postman to communicate with meta-app. You can find postman collection in the file


that is in root of the project.

Screenshot from 2023-01-25 13-27-09

Very short introduction into meta data


On this diagram we have four types of metadata entities:

  1. Business Ontology Entities;
  2. Platform Ontology Entities;
  3. Dictionary’s (catalog's) Entities;
  4. Metadata Graph that represents different types of data-sets (instances of the metadata Entities).

Metadata management in this proposal is a schema driven. It means that all metadata entities are defined by schema. Schema is a metadata of the metadata entities, kind of meta-metadata.

Schema is yaml file created outside of the meta-app and located in the .mds_py directory. This directory holds information about all meta-metadata of the meta-app application.

Here is a list of main schema's categories:

  • bootstrap - this is a collection of schemas that defines internal redis-meta metadata. This collection includes:
    • commit_tail schema. This is the schema of Redisearch index that holds commit history;
    • commit (or commit head) schema. This is the Redisearch index that holds current state of the all metadata indices;
    • idx_reg schema. It is a schema of the Redisearch index that holds metadata about all schemas;
    • prog_reg schema. It is a schema of the Redisearch index that holds metadata about all processors used in meta-app;
    • transaction schema. It is a schema of Redisearch index that is used to support processor orchestration;
  • config - is a collection of configuration files;
  • processors - this is collection of the schemas that describe processors used in meta-app;
  • schemas - is a collection of user defined schemas for user specific data resources;
  • scripts - collection of Lua scripts;
  • sqlite_files - collection of SQLite files.

Dictionaries, Bit sets, HLLs

These objects are persisted outside of the Metadata Graph. Depending on the meta-app implementation it could be:

  • File System;
  • Cloud storage, like AWS S3, minIO, and etc.;
  • Distributed storage's like Hadoop;
  • Relational or NoSql databases and so on.

Redis Computational Engine

All metadata processing operations are using Redis data structures and Redis modules that provide support for:

  • managing indices for entities and relations with Redisearch module;
  • managing graph presentation of the Metadata using Redis Graph;
  • performing Bit Set calculations using Redis roaring bit-set implementation;
  • performing HLL calculations using built-in Redis HLL support.