
A QWERTY macos keyboard layout intended for french & coding


This is an English US keyboard layout suited for french accents. All dead keys are hidden behind the Option modifier.

English US layout

When pressing the Option modifier, the layout becomes:

English US layout

And then pressing a letter will produce the accentued version of it, e.g.:

` + e => è
' + e => é
^ + e => ê
¨ + e => ë

and also

' + c => ç


  1. Clone the repo and copy /anault.bundle into your keyboard layouts directory:
git clone https://github.com/alexnault/macos-keyboard-layout.git ~/macos-keyboard-layout && \cp -R ~/macos-keyboard-layout/anault.bundle ~/'Library/Keyboard Layouts' && rm -rf ~/macos-keyboard-layout
  1. Go into System Settings > Keyboard > Text Input > Edit… > + > English > anault > Add
  2. Choose anault as your current keyboard layout from the MacOS menu bar on the top right

If at any steps the layout is not showing, simply restart your mac.


You can modify the source file using Ukulele to fit your needs.