
Service able to compute simple arithmetic operations

Primary LanguageC#


Service able to compute simple arithmetic operations Features:

  • Sum, subtract, multiply, divide and squareroot.
  • If X-Evi-Tracking-Id header is present, the operation is saved in memory cache.

Enviroment and assumptions

  • .Net Core 3.1 has being used as the base of this solution
  • Int32 variables for most of the properties, except for squareroot operations.
  • As journal is only needed to be kept for the duration of the application, I have used memory cache. (Microsoft.Extensions.Caching.Memory.IMemoryCache)
  • Design patterns such as command/query segregation, singletons,...
  • Programming principles such as SOLID and TDD.
  • Daily rolling file logging requests middleware using NLog library.

How to build and deploy

REST Api application (CalculatorService.Server)


Just run the application (F5) with CalculatorService.Server as Startup project and go to http://localhost:4631/swagger/index.html


  • Install Docker


  • Run the following commands in .\src\CalculatorService.Server folder:
$ dotnet publish
$ docker build -t calculatorservice.server .
$ docker run -p 4631:80 calculatorservice.server
  • Binaries and everything can be found in ./bin/Debug/netcoreapp3.1/publish

Command line client (CalculatorService.Client)

  • Run the following commands in .\src\CalculatorService.Server folder:
$ dotnet publish
  • Binaries and everything can be found in ./bin/Debug/netcoreapp3.1/publish

How to use

Command line client (CalculatorService.Client)

The console application does HTTP requests to the API endpoints below.

Parameter Description Example
-o Required. Operation type -o "add"
-p Required. Operation parameters -p 1+2+3+4+5
-x Tracking identifier -x "trackId123"

CLI examples

Type Description Example
add Sum two or more values -o "add" -p 1+2+3+4+5
sub Minuend minus subtrahend -o "sub" -p 10-4
mult Multiply two or more values -o "mult" -p 1*2*3*4*5
div Dividend divide divisor -o "div" -p 10/4
sqrt Squareroot of a number -o "sqrt" -p 4
journal Operations of a tracking identifier -o "journal" -p "trackId123"

API Usage: use curl, Postman, or whatever...

  • Sum two or more values
POST /calculator/add
Parameter Type Description
addends int[] Required. Addends to sum
  • Difference between a minuend and a subtrahend
POST /calculator/sub
Parameter Type Description
minuend int Required. Minuend
subtrahend int Required. Subtrahend
  • Multiply two or more values
POST /calculator/mult
Parameter Type Description
factors int[] Required. Factors to multiply
  • Divide dividend and divisor. Retrieving quotient and remainder
POST /calculator/div
Parameter Type Description
dividend int Required. Dividend
divisor int Required. Divisor
  • Square root of given number
POST /sqrt
Parameter Type Description
number int Required. Number to get its square root
  • Retrieves operations associated with its X-Evi-Tracking-Id header
POST /journal/query
Parameter Type Description
id string Required. Key to find operations