Allows users to share dropbox files in spaces or user profiles.
Module website:
Author: marjanapesic
Author website:
Steps to configure dropbox module:
Step 1: Administrator of module needs to have dropbox account. If administrator doesn’t have it, he can create it on this page
Step 2: Administrator of the module need to create dropbox application. This can be done on following page: . On this page he should choose Drop-in app and give a name to his app. After entering a name of his application he will be taken to page where he can customize the app (step 3 and 4).
Step 3: Administrator of module needs to configure created dropbox app. Status of application should always be Enabled. In section Drop-ins domains add he needs to add domain of humhub application.
Step 4: On configuration page of dropbox app there is App key, text value that you need to copy and paste in Dropbox API key field of Dropbox module configuration in your humhub application.
After finishing all steps successfully users can create dropbox post in their profiles and spaces.