
Web-based Sudoku generator built with Django, Go and React

Primary LanguagePython

Interactive Sudoku Generator

This is a polyglot programming project where I tried to implement an unique Sudoku instance generator using 3 different programming languages (Python, Go, Javascript). Containerized using Docker.

The project included 2 components:

  • Backend which includes the Sudoku instance generating logic written in Go (found in backend/sudoku/generator/), and the REST API implemented using Django Rest Framework. Django is able to called the Go generator function via Python ctypes library.
  • Front-end which includes a simple React website (created via CRA) that communicates with the API to grab the generated Sudoku instance and render it.

How to run

First create a .env file for Django in backend/backend/. Include those 2 options:


See here for how to generate a Django Secret Key.

Then just simply do:

docker-compose up

After that, navigate to localhost:3000 in your browser.


The main and only goal I set out when starting on this project is to implement a system with at least 3 different languages, thus learning new technologies (I did not have any experience with Go, Django, React nor Docker prior). Thus, the architecture decisions I made throughout the project were very questionable 😅. If someone is to ask to implement the whole thing again without the polyglot requirement, I would have done it all in JS.

Though, it was still a fun project to work on and I have certainly learned a lot from it.