
Simple Pokedex API made on Ruby On Rails

Primary LanguageRuby


Running the application

First of all, its necessary to create the database, so type this inside a terminal at root of the project: rails db:create db:migrate

And then bundle install to install all the gems.

After this, we should populate the db with all the pokemons:

PS: Especifically this part may take a few minutes depending on your network connection speed:

rails pokedex_setup:pokemon and after all the pokemons got fetched, type rails pokedex_setup:evolutions to query all the evolutions.

If it worked, you can type in your terminal: rails console and then Pokemon.all to see all the pokemons returned.

Finally, start the server with rails s -p 8080 (Must initialize server with port 8080)


The application tests used RSpec framework. To run them, type: bundle exec rspec spec