
A Full stack job hunt application tracker to help job seekers keep track of the status of their job applications.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


live project

You can create your own account and enjoy the app or log in as demonstration user with User name: tester@mail.com Password: 12345678

Project objective:

The opjective of this application is to have a Fullstack job hunt application tracker to help job seekers keep track of the status of their job applications. The Application has a backend REST API created with node.js and Express.js framework which sends JSON response from its end-points to the frontend over HTTP request. The frontend UI was created with a React.js framework called Next.js and axios for making endpoints requests to the backend server. Database is managed with MongoDB databases.

Front-end Stack:

Next Js, Chakra UI, SASS, Axios,

Back-end REST API Stack:

Node Js, Express Js


Mongo DB, Mongoose

Deployments :

Heroku and Vercel